I'm Glad We're Dancing Together

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Harry eyed Malfoy and Parkinson, dancing very close and he's guessing, whispering sweet little things to each other. It seemed evident they were dating. He knew what being friends with a girl was like, he was dancing with one right now and it definitely did not look like Malfoy and Parkinson were just friends.

He'd figured out he was somewhat gay, as they would call it, but when he found himself admiring at Malfoy the morning after the Slytherin party, he wanted to grow distance. Because for one, he knew Malfoy was not gay and two, even if he was, he'd not go out with Harry of all people. 

The dance continued, him and Malfoy made eye contact a few and he tried smiling at him once but the blonde just looked away.

Harry and Parvati soon left the dance floor, along with Ron and Padma. They sat against a large table, the two boys glaring at the dance floor and their unfortunate situation, later on the two girls left. Two much handsome guys from Beauxbatons stole them away, not that either of them minded. 

A while later, after Cedric approached him and left right after to greet Cho, Harry was in a much more sour mood. Making his way to the Gryffindor common room, he couldn't shake off the tumult of emotions swirling within him. As he approached the stairs outside the hall, a voice cut through his thoughts.


Startled, Harry turned to see Cedric hurrying towards him, a curious look on his face.

"You didn't wait," Cedric remarked, his tone a mix of playfulness and genuine inquiry.

"Oh, I thought you wanted to say bye to Cho," Harry replied, avoiding Cedric's gaze and fidgeting with the corner of his vest.

"I did, but I was expecting you to wait," Cedric said with a grin, his eyes fixed on Harry.

Caught off guard by Cedric's boldness, Harry felt a flush creeping up his neck. He struggled to find the right words, torn between the fear of revealing too much and the desire to give in to Cedric's flirtation.

"I...I didn't want to intrude," Harry stammered, his heart pounding in his chest.

Cedric stepped closer, his expression softening as he studied Harry intently. "You could never intrude, Harry," he said softly, reaching out to gently brush a strand of hair from Harry's forehead. "You looked very nice tonight..."

Harry's breath caught in his throat at the gesture, his mind all over the place. Cedric's closeness was both exhilarating and terrifying, he was definitely scared he'd end up doing something he might regret later

"I...I uh you too, the robes look good on you." Harry mumbled, his voice barely above a whisper as he took a step back, his mind racing with uncertainty.

"You wanna go on a walk? Just talk you know," Cedric glanced at him.

He thought for a moment, scared they'd get caught by someone and be question but eventually "You know, sure, let go."

Cedric led Harry away from the orchestral music playing and students danced, guiding him toward a quieter corner of the enchanted castle. As they walked, Cedric glanced sidelong at Harry, noticing the slight furrow in his brow.

"Something on your mind, Harry?" Cedric inquired gently.

Harry hesitated for a moment before exhaling softly. "I just... I didn't really enjoy the ball, you know? I mean, it's supposed to be this nice event, but..."

"But what?" Cedric prodded gently when Harry trailed off.

"...My date, Parvati, she really wanted to go with me, I ended up asking her since the person I wanted to go was already asked out"

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