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Draco sat alone in the dimly lit Slytherin common room, his thoughts swirling like a stormy sea. The events of the past few days had left him feeling more uncertain than ever, his heart heavy with doubts and insecurities.

Cedric Diggory was Harry's boyfriend now, and Draco couldn't shake the feeling of defeat that gnawed at him from the inside. He had watched from afar as Harry and Cedric shared quiet moments together, their laughter and smiles a painful reminder of what could have been.

But as much as he wanted to believe that Cedric was just a passing phase, a part of him feared that he would never be able to compete with the kindness and warmth that Cedric offered Harry. What if Harry was happier with Cedric? What if Draco had missed his chance for good?

Lost in his thoughts, Draco didn't notice Pansy's approach until she slid onto the couch beside him, her presence a comforting anchor in the storm of his mind.

"Draco," Pansy said softly, her voice cutting through the silence like a beacon of light. "You look like you've lost a galleon and found a knut."

Draco forced a weak smile, though his heart wasn't in it. "Very funny, Pansy."

Pansy reached out to gently touch Draco's arm, her expression filled with concern. "I'm serious, Draco. You've been brooding like a wounded hippogriff ever since Cedric and Potter got together."

Draco sighed, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "I just... I don't know, Pansy. What if Cedric is the one Harry really wants? What if I'm just wasting my time?"

Pansy's gaze softened, her eyes brimming with understanding. "Draco, listen to me," she said firmly, her voice leaving no room for argument. "You're not wasting your time. If Potter kissed you back then, there's something there. You just need to trust yourself and keep going."

Draco looked at Pansy, his eyes searching hers for reassurance. "But what if I mess it up, Pansy? What if I ruin everything?"

Pansy reached out to gently cup Draco's face in her hands, her touch warm and comforting. "Then you pick yourself up and try again," she said softly, her voice filled with conviction. "Because if there's one thing I know about you, Draco Malfoy, it's that you never back down from a challenge. And winning Potter's heart? Easiest shit you could do."

Draco felt a surge of determination well up inside him at Pansy's words, a flicker of hope igniting in the darkness of his doubts. Maybe he couldn't control what happened with Cedric and Harry, but he could control his own actions. And he wasn't about to give up without a fight.

"Thanks, Pansy," Draco said, his voice filled with gratitude. "I needed to hear that."

Pansy smiled, squeezing Draco's hand reassuringly. "Anytime, darling. Now, let's get to work. We've got a plan to execute, and I have a feeling it's going to be brilliant."

Whatever happened with Cedric and Harry, he knew one thing for certain: he wasn't going down without a fight anymore.

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Harry passed through the busy halls of Hogwarts and making his way to the potions class, late by almost 3 minutes. Snape would probably steal unnecessary points Gryffindor again. He heard the gothic teachers voice from outside as he opened the door, slowly trying to sneak into the classroom unnoticed.

"Stand right there Potter," he huffed, he knew he'd get caught anyways.

Snape's voice cut through the silence of the classroom like a sharp blade, his black eyes fixed on Harry with a mixture of disdain and irritation. Harry sighed inwardly, knowing that his tardiness had once again landed him in hot water.

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