Paintings of Us

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"I don't know how you'll...figure this out," Pansy sighed, looking Draco up and down as he lay on her roommate's bed. "He's your boyfriend. He'll figure it out sooner or later."

"It's fine, I have glamour and foundation." It wasn't fine, not really, but he was confident in himself... sort of.

Draco got up. "I'll go, Harry wanted to do something today."

"Do something?" She raised her eyebrows and smirked.

"Oh, shut up, you pervert. Couples can have fun without your sexual bullshit." He rolled his eyes and left.

When he went down to the cave, he found Harry settling a bunch of... paint cans? Draco climbed down the stairs and eyed the large cans filled with pastel and dark colors. "What's all this?"

Harry grinned when he saw Draco. "It looks so dull down here with just the cave walls being grey. We should paint it!"

Draco raised an eyebrow. "We could just use magic, you know. Faster, cleaner..."

Harry shook his head, his grin widening. "No, this will be better traditionally. Trust me, it's more fun this way."

Draco sighed but couldn't help a small smile tugging at his lips. "Alright, show me what you've got."

Harry handed him a brush and opened one of the cans, revealing a beautiful shade of midnight blue. "Let's start with this. Just dip your brush in and go wild."

Draco dipped his brush hesitantly and made a small stroke on the wall. He watched Harry attack the wall with broad, enthusiastic strokes of a soft lavender color. It was messy and imperfect, but Harry's smile was contagious.

"This is ridiculous," Draco muttered, but there was no bite in his words.

"Ridiculously fun, you mean," Harry corrected, splattering a bit of paint onto Draco's arm.

"Hey!" Draco yelped, laughing despite himself. He dipped his brush into a pale blue and flicked it at Harry, splattering his glasses.

Harry laughed, wiping his glasses clean with his sleeve. "Now you're getting into the spirit!"

They painted in silence for a while, each adding their own strokes of color to the cave walls. The monotonous grey was slowly replaced by a riot of beautiful colors.

Harry, who was now fully engrossed in painting a detailed silver dragon against the wall they would shift Draco's bed against, looked over at him, "See, told you it would be fun," he said softly.

Draco paused with his tiny golden lion and looked at Harry, his expression softening. "Yeah, it's... therapeutic, actually."

Harry got up and moved closer, taking Draco's hand and guiding it to make broader, more carefree strokes. "Don't worry so much about making it perfect. Just let go."

Draco glanced at Harry, who was grinning like a child. He felt a warm flutter in his chest, a welcome distraction from his worries. Harry dipped his fingers into a can of gold paint and pressed them against the wall, leaving hand prints. "Try it," he urged, holding out his hand to Draco.

Draco hesitated, then smiled and dipped his own fingers into a can of emerald green paint. He pressed his hand next to Harry's, their prints overlapping slightly. "This is ridiculous," he repeated, but his smile betrayed him.

Harry leaned in, pressing a quick kiss to Draco's cheek, leaving a smudge of paint behind. "You know you love it."

Draco rolled his eyes but didn't pull away. "Yeah, maybe I do."

Harry scanned the cave walls, then looked up at a high, empty spot. "Wait, we missed a spot up there."

Draco followed his gaze and shrugged. "We can't reach that high."

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