What Potions Homework Lead to

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"I can't understand a single thing in this bloody book!" Harry groans as he looks up at Draco fully engrossed in his homework.

Potions homework.

Harry Potter sucked at potions.

"You know what if you don't help me, I'm gonna go ask Hermione!" He smirked at him "Right. Didn't she already disagree, saying something about how you have to understand it yourself in order to pass?"

Harry whined at the mention of that, Hermione was always such a bitch when it came to studying that Ron and him gave up trying long ago, when he finally became close enough friends with Draco, who was right bellow her in all subjects, he expected him to help or...let him copy off his work "Please don't become Hermione now, just let me copy of you and I'll let you copy my muggle studies work,"

"No and no, Harry let me do my work!" Draco said in an irked tone.

He had come down from the dorms because everyone else was suddenly interested in not studying today, Draco can't afford that- well he can but he doesn't want to lose his marks or something and let Granger get all of them. And he also found it strange he was on first name biases with Potter- Harry.

"Right I'm bored." The brunette gets up, Draco expected him to leave or lay in his bed but he walked towards the proper docks. He took his sweater off, along with the horrible shirt underneath. Right after that he unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them down, reveling his boxers with small panda's on them, tossing it over to his red bed. His richly tanned skin glowed under the lights Draco transfigured earlier in the month. Draco had to admit, he had a fit body. "Are you mad?" he spoke.

"What? No, obviously." Harry turned around looking at him before jumping in the water, it was neon blue, as if someone had spelled it to look that way. Glowing in the dark and reflecting on the white cave walls and arches. He came back up for air, brunette hair soaked by the water.

The blonde couldn't help but watch his clean strokes in the water, the way the water glistened on his skin. Draco shook his head, putting his focus back to his books.

The water noises and Harry's swimming went on for the next twenty minutes, until he noticed the strange silence. He looked up and noticed Potter was nowhere to be seen, not on the wooden platform or in any other area surrounded by arches.

"Potter! Pot- Harry! Harry!" He shrieked, you never know what might go wrong with the golden boy, his unlucky ass had the entire world chasing after him. God knows if he got swallowed down by a water monster or something.

He rose up, "What happened?" Harry said, removing the bubble-head charm of his face, he had a questioning look on his face.

"You-" Draco saw Harry emerge from the water, he felt a wave of relief wash over him. But that relief quickly turned into annoyance as he registered the mischievous glint in Harry's eyes.

"What were you doing down there?" Draco demanded, crossing his arms over his chest.

Harry just grinned, water dripping from his unruly hair. "Just exploring. There's a whole tunnel system under here, Draco. It's amazing! You should have seen it."

Draco rolled his eyes.  "You could have drowned, you prat. We have homework to do, not swim around like merpeople."

Harry shrugged, unconcerned.  "We can finish the homework later. Come on, live a little, Malfoy."

Despite himself, Draco felt a reluctant smile tugging at the corners of his lips. Harry always had a way of getting under his skin. "Fine," Draco relented with a sigh. "But only for a little while."

Draco got rid of his clothes, leaving himself in boxers. His pale skin nearly matching the white stone walls, the water reflecting on it. He jumped into the cold ass water, wishing to jump back "It'll get warmer," Harry said.


He went back underwater and Draco followed as he waved his wand and applied the bubble head charm. He followed potter as he swam around and entered a small tunnel leading to another part of the caves, they swam to the surface, heavily breathing as the came out. Draco could see the platform through some cave arches, "I'm scared." he whispered.

"Of what?" Harry's eyebrows furrowed.

Draco twisted his torso in the water "That something might come up and swallow me as a whole."

"You've never swam in deep water before? How come you're scared when the Slytherin common room is right under the black lake."

"Yeah with windows to block stupid creatures. I think I have a phobia or something."

Suddenly he felt something beneath his legs and he shrieked in shock. Grabbing harry and holding onto his neck "Get me out of here! Ahhhhhhh." His legs fluttered and made noise as he tried to make Harry move.

"Malfoy..." the kicking got faster .

"Malfoy..." His grip got tighter, almost no space was left between the two, "Shut up take me back." he whimpered.



"It was spell-" Harry grinned like an idiot, holding onto Draco waist as his legs slowly propelled, the only thing keeping them up.

"You idiot!"

Harry laughed tickling his waist while his hand was still there, Draco unclasped his hands that were placed behind his neck and his arms slowly came down "Malfoy are you groping me?"

"The hell I am! You've got your hand around my waist!" He removed his hands and duck under the water, swimming back to the platform, Harry slowly followed behind him.

The two got back on land and Draco grabbed his blanket trying to dry off, suddenly his body went all dry, and his clothes. He paused, turned around and saw Harry completely dried off, "Of course you can do wandless magic."

Harry, already dressed, winked at him and went up the steps, "Bye darling,"

Draco blinked a few times, silence flowing in. Had the golden boy been flirting with him? He overheard him talking with Cedric that day during the the ball. He really didn't mean to but a guy can only get curious can't he? But that doesn't mean Harry liked him or something.



Draco can not be thinking of that. So what if Potter had a crush on him, he's attractive and has a great, there is no denying that. But if  he had any thoughts of being together with a man-, boy, his father would quite literally disown him.

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He eyed the dirty blonde and brunette conversing from the clock tower courtyard, the two talked. Harry laughed at something Cedric said, punching the bloke and giggling. Moron.

Annoyed, he grabbed Pansy on his left, pulling her to go listen closer at what was so funny it had Harry throwing his head back. "What? "

"Just come, I wanna hear what Diggory and Potter are discussing about, seams interesting."

Pansy eyes him down "...okay...?"

He lead her onto the wooden bridge, pretending to be in a conversation. He leaned against the railing as soon as he was close enough, Pansy doing the same. Very sneakily, he looked at the two talking about something one of Cedric's friend said about him. Only five minutes later, the older leaned into his ear. Draco's eyes went wide as he moved a little closer and heard something about prefects bathroom and a bath.

"You know you might wanna pretend to be normal a little bit, that nasty jealous look does not look good on you hon." Pansy wrinkled her nose in disgust as she spoke.

"Shut up, what would I be jealous of?"

"Diggory? Being all close and stuff. I might even say they look like a couple if Potter was gay."

"Right...well lets go, I wanna go study." Pansy only groaned in response.

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