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The students and teachers all stood around in the stands placed inside the black lake, waiting anxiously for the second task to begin, Draco Malfoy stood midst his fellow Slytherins, a peculiar unease settling in his chest. Gone was his usual aloof demeanor, replaced by a restless energy that had him fidgeting with the hem of his robe.

His eyes darted to Harry Potter, who stood among the other champions, looking nervously out of place. Draco couldn't help but feel a pang of something—envy, perhaps? He quickly shook it off, turning his attention to Pansy and Blaise as they chatted animatedly beside him.

"I'm putting my galleons on Potter," Draco declared, earning skeptical looks from his friends.

Pansy raised an eyebrow, her lips curling into a smirk. "Oh, really? Since when did you become his number one fan?"

Blaise snickered, giving Draco a playful shove. "Looks like someone's got a soft spot for the Boy Who Lived."

Draco scowled, his cheeks flushing slightly. "Shut it, you two. I just...I have a feeling, that's all. He always wins, I'm not losing another bet. "

But deep down, Draco knew it was more than just a feeling. Watching Potter, he couldn't deny the admiration stirring within him, nor the twinge of jealousy that gnawed at his insides as he watched him interact with Cedric Diggory.

The champions all dived into the dark water and a silence set with the crowd. A little more than 2 minutes passed when Harry came above the surface doing a small flip before diving back in. Show off.

Minutes ticked by quickly and even though Draco knew there was no one who could manage to kill Potter, he got worried when the rest of the champions came back. Fleur came back without anyone, indicating that she hadn't managed to finish the task.

Everyone around was silent and waited in grave silence, until the Weasley and a small girl showed up to the surface, that was the least of his worries because there was no Harry Potter in sight. Thank fully he ended up winning his bet because Harry did in fact show up after a few moments.

Fleur even felt the need to give Harry an ungodly amount of cheek kisses because he saved her younger sister, typical french people.

After everyone had reached the shores near the castle, Draco spotted Harry talking to Cedric yet again, how does one have so much to talk about with their competition, Merlin. He made his way towards them, not giving a standing shit about their 'secret' friendship. "Hello Diggory, mind if I borrow your boyfriend real quick?"

Raising his eyebrows, Cedric eyed the hand grabbing at Harry's wrists and looked up at him questioning if it's fine with him. After a confirmation, He nodded "Go ahead,"

Cedric walked away, a little hesitant but Draco found it strange that he didn't argue about the nickname he'd referred to Harry with, "What are you doing!"

The green eyed boy pulled him deeper into the forest, "What if Ron or Hermione saw you?"

For some reason that he couldn't name, that hurt. "Yeah because that's a problem? Might I remind you I took you to a Slytherin party without a care."

"Your friends are more understanding, Hermione will probably be fine-"

Speaking of the curly headed girl, "What about me?" Hermione made her way towards the two, her eyes widening at the hand on Harry's wrist. Potter panicked as he looked around for any red headed hot tempered bloke, when he saw no one but them, "N- nothing." He forced Draco's hands off of him.

"Hello Malfoy," she eyed the blonde. They both stood nervously as they waited for her to speak again, soon, she gasped "Are you blackmailing Harry?!"

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