Plans, Plans and Pansy

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"Let me get this straight, you want me to purposely trip Harry and help him pick up his books?"


He sighed, "How is that supposed to make him fall for me Pansy!"

"It'll work, just trust me." she pushed him away, directing him to begin walking in the direction once they saw Harry walking to the class.

Draco rolled his eyes, shaking his head at Pansy's persistence. Trusting her felt like an exercise in futility, but he couldn't deny her determination. With a small sigh, he began to walk in the direction they spotted Harry, his steps slow and deliberate.

As Harry approached, his arms filled with a towering stack of books, must be Hermione's. Draco hesitated for a moment before subtly shifting his shoulder to brush against Harry's. The impact was enough to send the precarious pile tumbling to the ground, books scattering in every direction.

"Oops, sorry about that," Draco muttered, his voice laced with feigned contrition as he knelt down in front of Harry to help gather the fallen books. Their fingers brushed as they reached for the same book, sending a shiver down Draco's spine at the fleeting touch.

Harry glanced up at Draco, his emerald eyes meeting Draco's with a mixture of surprise and suspicion. "No worries," he replied, his tone soft and sweet, like always, as he continued to gather the scattered books.

The weight of his deception settling heavily on his shoulders. But as he looked into Harry's eyes, the guilt was quickly overshadowed by a surge of something else entirely.

Romantic eye contact. It was like something out of a cheesy romance novel, Draco thought as he found himself captivated by the intensity of Harry's gaze. For a moment, time seemed to slow to a crawl, the world falling away as they shared a silent moment of connection amidst the chaos of the crowded hallway.

Pansy watched from a nearby alcove, a satisfied smirk playing at the corners of her lips as she discreetly cast a spell. Suddenly, a gentle breeze swept through the hallway, sending a cascade of flower petals floating down from above.

Draco blinked in surprise as the petals danced around them, a soft pink blush rising to his cheeks as he realized the gravity of the moment. Here they were, kneeling on the floor of a crowded hallway, surrounded by a whirlwind of books and flowers, and for the first time in a long time, Draco felt something stir inside him.

He glanced up at Harry, his heart pounding in his chest as he opened his mouth to speak. But before he could utter a word, the spell was broken by the sound of approaching footsteps, signaling the end of their brief moment of intimacy.

With a heavy heart, Draco pushed himself to his feet, offering Harry a small, apologetic smile as he handed him the last of the fallen books. "There you go," he said, his voice tinged with regret. "Sorry again about that."

Harry nodded, his expression unreadable as he accepted the books from Draco. "Thanks, meet me at the caves, Friday?" he questions, his gaze flickering away from Draco's as he stood up, brushing off his robes.

"Oh," he blinked, "Sure."

As Draco watched Harry walk away, soon his heart sank at the sight of Cedric calling out to him. He clenched his jaw, feeling a twinge of jealousy knotting in the pit of his stomach once again as he saw Cedric's arm draped casually around Harry's shoulder, pulling him into a warm embrace, kissing his forehead as they spoke quietly, their voices lost in the din of the bustling hallway.

His grip tightened on the strap of his bag as he watched them, tearing his gaze away and walking to his next class.

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