Chapter Two: An Invitation Beyond Hogwarts

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In the days following their encounter in the Great Hall, Y/N found herself unable to shake thoughts of Draco from her mind. His unexpected presence had sparked a curiosity within her, one that she couldn't ignore. As she made her way through the corridors of Hogwarts, she couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to spend time with him outside the confines of school.

One crisp afternoon, as Y/N sat beneath a sprawling oak tree in the courtyard, lost in a book, she felt a presence beside her. Looking up, she found Draco standing there, a faint smile playing on his lips.

"Hello, Y/N," he greeted, his tone softer than usual.

"Hello, Draco," Y/N replied, a flutter of anticipation stirring in her chest.

As they exchanged small talk, Y/N couldn't help but notice the nervous energy radiating from Draco. It was a side of him she hadn't seen before, one that made him seem more human, more approachable.

After a moment of silence, Draco cleared his throat, his gaze meeting hers with a newfound determination. "Y/N, I was wondering if... if you'd like to meet me outside of school sometime," he said, his words hesitant yet sincere.

Y/N's heart skipped a beat at the invitation, her mind racing with possibilities. She had always dreamed of exploring the world beyond Hogwarts, and the thought of doing so with Draco by her side filled her with excitement.

"I would love to," she replied, a smile spreading across her face.

Relief washed over Draco's features, his shoulders visibly relaxing as he let out a sigh of relief. "Great," he said, a hint of excitement in his voice. "I'll owl you with the details."

As Draco bid her farewell and disappeared into the castle, Y/N couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation building within her. Something told her that this meeting outside of school would mark the beginning of a new chapter in her life, one filled with adventure, romance, and the unexpected.

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