Chapter Thirty-Six: A Midnight Stroll

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Under the blanket of night, Y/N found herself unable to sleep, the restlessness in her heart driving her to seek solace in the quiet corners of Hogwarts. With a sense of purpose, she slipped out of her dormitory and made her way through the corridors, her steps guided by the soft glow of moonlight filtering through the windows.

As she wandered the familiar halls of Hogwarts, Y/N felt a sense of calm wash over her, the stillness of the night enveloping her in its embrace. With each passing moment, she felt the weight of her worries lift, replaced by a sense of peace and clarity.

Lost in her thoughts, Y/N found herself drawn to the Astronomy Tower, its spires reaching towards the star-studded sky like outstretched fingers. With a sense of curiosity, she ascended the winding staircase, her heart pounding with anticipation.

As she emerged onto the open platform of the Astronomy Tower, Y/N was greeted by the sight of Draco standing at the edge, his silhouette outlined against the backdrop of the night sky. His presence filled her with a sense of comfort, a reminder that she was not alone in the darkness.

"Draco," Y/N called out softly, her voice carrying across the stillness of the night.

Draco turned to her, a smile lighting up his face as he approached. "Y/N," he replied, his voice warm with affection. "What are you doing here?"

Y/N shrugged, a playful glint in her eyes. "I couldn't sleep," she admitted. "I thought I might find some peace up here."

Draco nodded in understanding, his gaze drifting upwards towards the twinkling stars above. "It's a beautiful night," he remarked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Y/N couldn't help but agree as she joined Draco at the edge of the tower, her eyes tracing the constellations scattered across the heavens. In that moment, surrounded by the vast expanse of the night sky, she felt a sense of wonder and awe unlike anything she had ever experienced.

As they stood together in silence, Draco reached out and took Y/N's hand in his, his touch sending a shiver down her spine. In that simple gesture, she found solace and comfort, a reminder that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, their love guiding them through the darkest of nights and the brightest of days.

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