Chapter Thirty-One: A New Day Dawns

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As the first light of dawn filtered through the windows of the Slytherin common room, Draco stirred from his slumber, his senses slowly returning to him. With a gentle sigh, he opened his eyes and found himself greeted by the sight of Y/N still sleeping peacefully against him.

A smile tugged at the corners of Draco's lips as he watched her, his heart swelling with affection. He marveled at the softness of her features, the way her hair spilled over her shoulders in cascading waves, and the way her lips curved into a serene smile even in her sleep.

With great care so as not to disturb her, Draco shifted slightly, adjusting his position so that he could better support Y/N's weight against him. He couldn't help but revel in the warmth of her presence, the sense of peace that washed over him in her company.

As the minutes passed and the sun rose higher in the sky, Draco felt a sense of contentment settle over him. He knew that the day ahead would be filled with its own challenges and responsibilities, but for now, he allowed himself to simply bask in the quiet beauty of the moment.

And so, as the Slytherin common room began to stir with the sounds of students waking and preparing for the day ahead, Draco and Y/N remained locked in their own private world, their hearts entwined in a bond that transcended words.

As the new day dawned and the promise of adventure beckoned on the horizon, Draco knew that whatever trials and tribulations lay ahead, he would face them with Y/N by his side, their love guiding them through the darkest of times and the brightest of days.

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