Chapter Fourteen: Halloween at Hogwarts

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The air buzzed with excitement as Halloween approached, casting a spell of anticipation over the students of Hogwarts. The Great Hall was adorned with jack-o'-lanterns and festive decorations, while the aroma of pumpkin pasties and butterbeer filled the air, signaling the arrival of the most magical night of the year.

Y/N found herself swept up in the festive atmosphere, her heart racing with anticipation as she donned her costume and joined her friends in the Great Hall. Everywhere she looked, students were laughing and chatting, their faces illuminated by the warm glow of candlelight.

As the evening unfolded, the students were treated to a feast fit for a king, with an array of delicious treats and delicacies laid out before them. The enchanted ceiling above shimmered with stars, casting a magical glow over the festivities below.

But amidst the revelry, a sense of unease lingered in the air, a reminder of the dangers that lurked beyond the walls of Hogwarts. The Forbidden Forest whispered tales of dark creatures and ancient magic, while the shadows seemed to dance with a life of their own.

As the night wore on, Y/N found herself drawn to the windows, her gaze fixed on the inky darkness outside. She couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss, that danger loomed just beyond the safety of Hogwarts' walls.

But before she could dwell on her thoughts any further, a voice broke through the silence, drawing her attention back to the festivities at hand. It was Draco, his eyes sparkling with mischief as he gestured for her to join him on the dance floor.

With a smile, Y/N took his hand, allowing herself to be swept up in the magic of the moment. As they danced beneath the twinkling lights of the Great Hall, she felt a sense of peace wash over her, a fleeting reprieve from the chaos of the world outside.

And as the night stretched on into the early hours of the morning, Y/N found herself grateful for the brief respite that Halloween at Hogwarts had provided. For in the midst of uncertainty and danger, there was always light to be found, if only one knew where to look.

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