Chapter Thirty-Two: Potions Class Pairs

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As potions class commenced, Draco and Y/N found themselves amidst a sea of students, their attention focused on Professor Snape at the front of the classroom. The air was thick with the familiar scent of brewing potions and the quiet hum of conversation.

Draco and Y/N exchanged a glance as Professor Snape's stern voice cut through the chatter, commanding the students' attention. They knew that potions class under Snape's watchful eye demanded precision and focus.

Their attention was captured when Professor Snape announced the day's task: to work in pairs to brew a complex potion. Draco and Y/N exchanged a nod, silently agreeing to partner up for the assignment.

As they gathered their ingredients and set to work, Y/N couldn't help but notice the amused glances exchanged between her friends. She felt a flush of embarrassment creep into her cheeks as they made hearts with their hands around Draco and her, clearly teasing them about their partnership.

Rolling her eyes at her friends' antics, Y/N focused her attention on the task at hand, determined to prove herself in potions class. But as she glanced at Draco, she saw a flicker of amusement in his eyes, indicating that he too was aware of their friends' teasing.

Their concentration was broken when Professor Snape stalked past their workstation, his expression unreadable as he observed their progress. Y/N held her breath, waiting for his inevitable criticism.

But to her surprise, Professor Snape merely muttered, "Oh, to be young," in a sarcastic tone before continuing to inspect the other students' potions. Y/N couldn't help but feel a mixture of relief and annoyance at his comment.

As Professor Snape moved on, Draco shot Y/N a wry smile, his eyes twinkling with amusement. Together, they resumed their work, determined to prove themselves despite the distractions and challenges that lay ahead.

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