Chapter Seventeen: Preparing for Christmas

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As December unfolded, Hogwarts was abuzz with the excitement of the upcoming holiday season. Students bustled about the castle, their laughter and chatter filling the air as they eagerly anticipated the arrival of Christmas.

Y/N found herself caught up in the festive spirit, joining her classmates in decking the halls of Hogwarts with boughs of holly and twinkling lights. Together, they transformed the castle into a winter wonderland, filling every corner with the warmth and magic of the season.

In the Great Hall, tables groaned under the weight of festive fare, as house-elves scurried about, preparing a feast fit for a king. Y/N lent a helping hand wherever she could, her heart swelling with joy at the thought of sharing the holiday season with her friends and classmates.

As the day of Christmas Eve drew near, Y/N found herself spending more and more time in the Great Hall, helping to put the finishing touches on the decorations. Together with Draco and her friends, she hung garlands of evergreen and arranged candles in shimmering silver holders, filling the room with a warm and inviting glow.

But amidst the hustle and bustle of preparations, Y/N couldn't shake the feeling of longing that tugged at her heart. She missed her family dearly, especially during this time of year, and she couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness at the thought of spending Christmas away from home.

Draco noticed her melancholy, his silver eyes filled with concern as he approached her. "Are you alright?" he asked, his voice soft with worry.

Y/N forced a smile, trying to push aside her feelings of homesickness. "I'm fine," she replied, her voice tinged with sadness.

But Draco saw through her facade, his gaze gentle yet probing. "You don't have to pretend with me, Y/N," he said, his voice filled with understanding. "I know how much you miss your family."

And in that moment, Y/N felt a wave of gratitude wash over her. Despite the miles that separated her from her loved ones, she knew that she wasn't alone. For in Draco and her friends, she had found a second family, one that filled her heart with love and warmth, even in the darkest of times.

As they continued to work together to prepare the Great Hall for Christmas, Y/N felt a sense of peace settle over her. Surrounded by the love and camaraderie of her friends, she knew that no matter where she was, she would always be home for the holidays.

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