~5~ Dreams Aren't Reality

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Magnolia's POV

We walk the cobblestone streets I've taken my entire life, and yet it's as if I'm walking them for the very first time. Apprehension and fear chokes the breath from my lungs and I simply wipe the moisture from my palms onto my azure skirt.

Micah leads the way, carrying two of our bags as well as his own, and I take Rosie's little hand in mine and carry my carpetbag in the other.

Theo is trying to walk tall, taking long strides to match the man in front of him, but struggling against the bags weighing him down. The boy is no match for the grown man, no matter how hard he's trying to pretend like he is.

My chest swells with pride at this brother of mine. He's only 14, yet desperately trying to act brave and unbothered for us.

Micah walks to the General Store, and when I step into the place I have visited so many times I can't count, I feel like an outsider who doesn't belong.

"What can I do for you?" Mrs. Sweeney asks Micah as he goes over to her and looks around.

"Do ya sell weddin' bands here?"

She looks over at me, and then back at Micah, nodding vigorously as she roots around behind the counter and brings out a small case.

Micah bends so he can inspect the half dozen gold bands closely, and when he picks out a dainty one, he nods. "This one looks to be the right size. Can I try it on ya, Miss Hatfield?"

I flush as I let go of Rosie's hand and walk over, and simply hold out my shaking hand. He takes it carefully, ignoring how sweaty it's become and slips the dainty metal on.

It really is a perfect fit.

He nods in approval as he takes it off my ring finger and hands it back to Mrs. Sweeney.

She clears her throat as she looks at him skeptically. "That one is the fanciest we got. It's awful expensive.. $4.00."

Four dollars for a piece of metal? How outrageous! No one needs to be spending so frivolously. What nonsense!

Micah doesn't bat an eye as he gets in his pocket and counts out the bills, placing them firmly on the counter without a single word.

She stares hard at the money, and then forces a smile at me. "I wish you all the best, Magnolia. Will you be staying here?"

Before I can answer, Micah shakes his head. "Fraid not, ma'am. We best be on our way so's we can catch the train. I thank ya."

He puts the ring in his pocket and avoids my eyes as he walks confidently out of the store and down the road to the courthouse.


Little girls dream of their wedding in some way or another. My dream was always the same, and it never wavered no matter how old I had gotten.

I always dreamed of being married by Preacher Harkins under the weeping willow tree in our backyard.

I imagined holding a bushel of yellow daisies while my father walked me down the grassy aisle.

My mother's lacy dress fit perfectly on my frame, and although she wasn't in the crowd, she was with me in spirit.

My blonde hair fell down past my shoulders, even though at my age it isn't proper for your hair to be unpinned—But I didn't care. I had a crown of matching yellow daises in my hair, and I was the happiest I could possibly be as my father gave me to the man of my dreams.

It's funny the pictures we can paint...The worlds we create for ourselves. When I was a little girl, my mind wouldn't have been able to fathom walking into the courthouse with a man I just met yesterday.

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