~14~ Close The Windows!

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Rachel's POV

When the boys leave, I turn and face my husband, who is scowlin' somethin' fierce at me.

"I know yur still sore at me for what I did, but ya best never do that again, woman. What I tell ya in private stays in private."

"He needed ta know that he made her cry, Micah!"

"And I would've talked to him privately about that. Ya had no right interferin' with somethin' that didn't concern ya, especially infront of the twins!"

I scowl at him as I dry another dish. "Ya best git on with it. I wanna git started on sweet rolls for breakfast tomorra."

His forehead lines deepen in anger, and I know that I've pushed him from a tolerable spankin', to an uncomfortable one.

"For a little girl 'bout to git her bottom blistered, yur not doin' yurself no favors."

When I stay silent, he nods. "I was just gonna give ya ten with the spoon, but now I think you'll spend some time over my knee so's ya can remember what yur place is."

"And where's that," Micah?" I snap.

He takes my hand and gives me a proper tug, pullin' me over to him. He sits down in his chair and has me over his left knee in an instant.

"Right now? Over my knee gettin' a sound spankin'." He mutters as he lifts my skirts and pulls down my drawers, barin' me quickly.

Drat! The windows are open. The boys will be hearin' this one....

His heavy hand wastes no time as he sharply brings it down onto my skin. I adjust myself slightly as I grip the hem of his trousers, already gruntin' as he smacks harshly and quickly.

"When I tell ya that a story ain't to be told, I mean it," he says darkly and spanks me four times on my left cheek, and then six times on my right.

"I know you're still upset for what I done, but that ain't given you no right to sass me. You best be thinkin' 'bout how you'll be changin' things while yur here," he drawls lazily as he ups the intensity and I start to cry out.

"Micah! Ya don't need to do it so blasted hard," I whine as I try to twist out of his grip.

"I'll go how ever hard I need to go, and you'll lie here like a good girl and accept it. Otherwise we'll be here all night—Which is right fine by me since I rather enjoy lookin' at yur naked bum."

Tears start to fall and I can't help the cries that escape. I wish I woulda thought to close the windows before I made him so angry with me. The ranch hands will probably even hear this one. Micah is peeved and I can't stop my caterwaulin'.

He spanks me long and hard, and when he finally stops I breathe a thanks upward. That one was a might bothersome.

But then cool wood touches my warm bottom and I cry even harder.

"The promised ten ya woulda just gotten iffin ya woulda behaved like I warned. Count 'em, woman."

"One," I wail as he hits across both cheeks, and it immediately makes me buck in pain.



"Micah, please....ow....Four"





"Ow! N-nine"


"Good girl," he whispers as he sets me on his lap and snuggles me close, and I cry into his neck. He shifts me so he can still reach my bottom, and rubs it carefully as he kisses the crown of my head.

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