~20~ Dishes

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Magnolia's POV

"The numbers ain't addin' up," Eli says as he hands Micah the ledger he'd been working on all afternoon.

I don't know how their relationship was before we got here, but it's almost as if Eli is forcing himself to be civil with his brother, and from the look of Micah, it seems like it's bothering him.

Micah studies the numbers as he sits down, and with a pencil he scribbles on a scratch piece of paper.

"We've lost 12 head of cattle this month?" He says to himself as he writes down some numbers.

"And they were all full-grown," Micah groans as he does some more math. "$600 we lost this month alone."

"Nah," Eli shakes his head. "Not all of 'em were worth $50 a head. A few of 'em were inbred."

I lose interest as the men talk about money and cattle, and as I set the table I notice how although Eli is talking to him and figuring out a plan to catch the thief, it's taking effort to keep civility. And I'm surprised that I'm already noticing that about him.

"I think I'm gonna camp out for a few nights on the south property. I've been sittin' on yur theory and it makes sense. I think that's exactly how they're gettin' the cattle away from the herd...How much do ya know about the new hands Byrd hired?" Micah asks.

"I don't know anythin' about them.... You work with the ranch hands...I don't."

Micah hums in thought as I set the table around him, and finally he blows out a breath and scratches his forehead. "I've been lookin' at this map some more today.... What's yur thoughts on buyin' this property?" He asks as he circles a chunk on the map with his finger.

Eli looks it over and shrugs. "Don't reckon I care...But I wanna talk to ya about this section," he says as he points to another spot on the worn paper.

"Alright," Micah nods as he looks at Eli...

"I've been thinkin' about addin' more pigs. They ain't as risky as cattle, but we'll still turn a profit. And they're cheaper."

Micah is silent for a long moment as he stares at his brother. "We'd git what? 12 cents per pound? Don't seem like it'd be worth it."

Eli breaks his civil facade and his face darkens. "But the $600 we lost just this month alone is REALLY helpin' this ranch, huh?"

Micah raises his eyebrows and nods in thought. "Ya wanna raise more pigs than just what we need for butcherin'?"

"Ya know what? Just forget it. I forgot that you're in charge and we just do what ya say," he says darkly as he gets up from the table and goes outside.


Eli is silent during supper, and it looks like Micah is upset by it. After a few minutes of random chit-chat, Micah clears his throat.

"So... who wants to tell me why Eli was covered in mud this afternoon......."

Everyone goes silent as the three men look at each other.

"I just tripped in the east corral," Eli finally says as he takes a bite of his sweet corn and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand.

Micah watches Eli for a long moment as he studies his face. "Ya tripped how?"

Eli rolls his eyes as he cuts his steak. "Don't see how it concerns ya, brother. I tripped, and I got myself cleaned up. If ya think I'm slackin' in my chores, just tell me."

"You ain't slackin'," Micah says as he cuts his steak slowly.

"Then there ain't nothin' else to talk about."

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