~13~ Bread And Beans

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Magnolia's POV

When we get inside, Theo places the poor chicken on the wooden counter and I just stare at the thing with dread. Whenever I would watch our Cook at home, the chickens were always naked..

"I, I think these come off somehow," I say to Theo, and he nods in agreement as we look at the feathers.

"But how?" He asks softly.

"I'm not sure," I start, when I hear whining from the bedroom.

Goodness I forgot she was sent to her room

"Maggie, can I's come out yet?"

"Are you in a happier mood yet?" I counter as Eli sits back in his seat and starts working on his fishing poles once more.

"How's can I be happier when I've been sitting on my bed?"

A smirk tugs at the corners of Eli's mouth again as he continues sorting something in a box, and just like that he gets back into my good graces.

"You may come out," I say as I grab one of the feathers and pull, and it comes out of the skin.

That's it!

I pull out more feathers, and when Rosie comes in she stares at the chicken in horror.

"What's that?"

"Why don't you sit down and I'll get you a biscuit that Mrs. Rachel brought," I say as I blow a feather off of my nose.

She does what she's told, and Theo helps me by getting her the biscuit.

"Want half?" She asks as she looks at Eli, and he shakes his head.

"No thanks. Ya better eat it so's ya can stay outta yur room."

"Huh?" She asks as she takes a big bite and dribbles crumbs onto the clean floor.

"Yur sister seems to think that yur cranky cus you're hungry..So's ya best fill up on it."

She nods as if she agrees, and the two sit in silence as they each do their respective tasks. When I get the bird completely feather-free, I take a deep breath and try to decide what to do next.

Rinse and start the rub, just like Rachel taught me!

I go about my task, finally feeling more confident. However, after a little while I hear someone come up and stand beside me. I expect it to be Theo, but when I turn I have to stop myself from gulping.

"What in tarnation are ya doin'?" Eli booms as he stares in complete disgust at the chicken.

"Uh....getting the rub on?"

"Gettin'.....Ya didn't think ta take out the innards first?"

"The what?"

"The bird was ALIVE! What'dya think made it that way?!?"

When I continue staring at him, he rolls his eyes and reaches inside the bird, grabbing out the insides and making me grow queasy.

Oh my goodness I had no idea

"If ya woulda boiled the bird first, ya wouldn't have spent so long on the cotton-pickin' feathers."

"Or...you could have simply told me, seeing as how you just sat there and did nothing," I counter, and his eyes tighten.

"Ummm, Mr. Eli?" Rosie says as she gets down from her chair and grabs his hand, pulling him away.

"What?" Eli sighs as he once again allows her to pull him.

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