~61~ Hard Conversations

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Trigger Warning ❤️

Rachel's POV

I'm so stunned that I don't know what to think. Yes, my dream WAS to be a teacher. Actually, my dream for many years after I married was to be a teacher.

Even though Micah graduated early once his Pa got sick, I still finished my schoolin' with the rest of our grade. I left Micah's ranch every mornin' and went to school...Prayin' it wasn't for nothin', since I was already married.

When I passed my test, it was the happiest day of my life. I wasn't sure if I would ever actually be a teacher, because with the bushel of children I was gonna have, there just wouldn't be the time.

But I was so cotton-pickin' proud of myself for achievin' what I set out to do.

After his Pa had passed away, my schoolin' had ended and I transitioned easily into my role as the lady of the home. It wasn't until then that I realized how difficult raisin' three boys truly was.

When no children of my own ever came, and I'd been out of school for too many years, I'd forced the dream I had for myself away.

I can't be a teacher now. I've been out of school for too long. I would be another Natasha...Teachin' the children wrong and shamin' my family.

Why would Micah put me in this position?

"Now hold on right this second," Mr. Douras booms from his place at the front of the church.

"I thought this town followed the traditions every other town does...Either a man teacher, or an unmarried woman......School teachers ain't supposed to be married!"

Reverend Polanski nods carefully. "It is true that we've always hired either men, or single women as teachers, yes...But we can all agree that we are in a tough situation right now. As it stands, our children will be out of school for several months. Placin' an ad and waitin' for a reply, then interviewin' a prospective teacher takes time...Single women in this town that ain't never been married before and already have their teachin' certificate is slim....And there ain't no man that I know of with a teachin' certificate."

"Well I'd much rather wait and have the children be outta school than to go against propriety." Douras huffs as he crosses his arms against his chest.

Micah nods carefully as he clears his throat. "Wasn't it yur wife that said I don't got no children, so I don't got no business interferin'?"


Micah nods again. "How many children do ya have in the school right now, Harold?"

Mr. Douras' face turns red with anger as he huffs again, and Reverend Polanski nods in thought.

"I think we should put it to a vote.....All those in favor of Mrs. Rachel Whitlock becomin' the temporary teacher until we can git another one hired?"

"Now hold on!" Micah says as he puts his hands up in defense.

"I've made the mistake once of makin' a decision for my family without talkin' to them first, and I ain't such a simpleton as ta do that again...I just mentioned Rachel as an option. I'd like ta go home and talk with her about it first, seein' as how she ain't said a single word for herself. Iffin she agrees, then ya can put it to a vote."

"I think we can all agree that that's fair," Reverend Polanski nods. "There will be no school tomorrow, and I would like to reconvene here at noon tomorrow with Mrs. Whitlock's decision...if she agrees, we'll put it to a vote then and there. If majority votes yes, then school will be in session on Thursday. If not, we'll figure somethin' else out. I want to thank you all for comin' out here tonight, and I wish you a safe trek home....Let's pray to our Heavenly Father before you set out for yur night."

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