~31~ Revenge

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Eli's POV

I scan the scene as quickly as I can while I'm walkin' back into the barn. Micah and Rachel are dancin' and laughin' together about somethin'. Theo is dancin' with Maggie, and Rosie is still playin' in the corner with several teenage girls.

Levi is dancin' with the waitress he's smitten with, and Ezra is in the corner....

Lookin' weird

"What's up?" I ask Ezra as I reach him, and put a hand on his shoulder to git him to simmer down.


I nod as I look at Ezra, and then back at Levi. "Ya don't fancy that waitress too, do ya?" I ask, and when he shoots me a disgusted look it instantly shuts down that notion.

"No," he grinds out as he continues to glare at our brother.

"Then what's wrong?"

Ezra blows out a breath and shakes his head. "He tried to embarrass me in front of her to puff out his chest, so now I'm gonna embarrass him."

"Oh yeah?" I ask, feelin' a pit in my stomach...Because I know that he will do it. I see it in his eyes, and I know without a doubt that his mind is made up...And not only will he do it, he will do it well enough to land him in a heap of trouble with Micah.

"What did he do?" I ask as I try to buy myself time

How do I snap him out of this need for revenge?

Normally it's funny because he's just so cotton-pickin' clever; but this is at a town function where it'll inevitably embarrass Micah.

And that will be good for no one

"He's tryin'ta act all big'n bad to impress her, and it's workin'. The more obnoxious he's gotten with the jabs and remarks, the more she laughs...I was takin' a drink of lemonade and he pretended to sucker punch me, and I spilled it all over my shirt and it dripped onto my trousers. He made a joke about me needin' to use the outhouse instead of my britches like a grown man should."

"Don't seem like that big of a deal. Why don't ya just ignore it?"

"Cause I always ignore it, Eli. He cheated durin' the race on Sunday and knocked me to the ground. Helpin' him with chores is one thing, but I'm sick of him always makin' me look like a fool."

"I agree with that...Why don'tcha wait 'till tomorra and talk to him about it in private. Don't cause a scene, Ez..."

He stays silent, and I know my brother well enough to know that my advice has fallen on deaf ears.

"I mean it, Ezra Jacob. Don't do whatever it is yur plottin'. Micah won't be understandin', and you'll no doubt regret it."

He looks at me, and I feel instant relief as he nods and gives me a smirk. "You're right. I'll talk to him in the mornin'."

"Good. That's a right smart idea, Ez," I breathe in relief as I clap him on the back. "I'm gonna go check on Maggie. Come with me and I'll git you a new lemonade."

"Go on ahead. I'm gonna go out and have a nip. I ain't had one yet."

"I hear there's peach in one of 'em," I grin as I walk away to find Maggie.


"Care to dance again?" I ask as I reach out my hand, and she takes it carefully.

"Theo okay?"

"Yup. Some of the boys were tryin'ta git him to drink, but he held firm and told them no."

Her shoulders sag in relief as she blows out a breath. "Good. The thought of punishing him was giving me sick stomach."

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