First Love

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Nia Pov:

"I am not sure about him Dad," Di says

"Why?? what's wrong?? He looks fine to me, it isn't always about looks Ri," Mom says

"No, she is right even I am not sure about him, he won't look good with my daughter," Dad says

"Dad, Di there is nothing wrong with his looks he looks perfect," I say defensively catching everyone attention and they get shocked.

"Did you see the way he reacted what if he behaves same with my daughter," Dad says

"Dad there is always another side of the story I am sure he had his reasons," I say

"Princess it's always isn't a nicer version," Dad says

"What is wrong with you people??" I say

"Ni, Dad please stop she is right just because he wears glasses doesn't mean we will judge him and Ni, it's not about looks," Di says glaring at both us.

After Dinner, we were having a family time discussing about Kesh. Dad didn't like him because of how he snapped at Laksh. We all go back to our room once Di scold us. If I stay, we might end up having another round of argument. I wasn't like di, she would listen to them but I always had opinions, so I wasn't the favorite daughter here.

"Ni when did you have your first crush?" Di says out of nowhere. I try to ignore her but she insist rolling to my side of the bed.

"When I was 15," I say replying hoping she would stop asking questions after I answer but who am I kidding. She never stops.

"Really at age 15. Are you serious Ni?" She says excited and I nod.

"Who??" She ask sitting now and I close my laptop keeping on the desk, walking back to bed and sitting on my side.

"Go back to sleep Di you have, work." I say and she chuckles hugging me.

"I will take a day off tomorrow," she says

"Why?" I ask surprised she never takes a leave until she isn't well and she stiffens. I stay silent waiting for her answer and after few deep breaths she replies.

"You were right he is jerk. The staff caught him misbehaving with the patient and not just them but also hospital nurses. They knew but just didn't have proof against him, now they have it and he is fired," she says still holding me.

"The reason you said yes to Aakesh," I say pulling her out of my hug and she nods guilty.

"I thought I should give him a chance because I was mad at myself for having a crush on that monster but then now I am not sure," she says upset.

"You wanted to know about my story right," I say and she nods, excited like a kid.

Once upon a time...
When I was in school, I fell in love with a boy and he was senior from another school. I saw him at the book cafe near our school one day, reading and I went to sit at his table. Just because he was lost in his book, he didn't look up and I thought he insulted me, back then you know I was an attention seeker. He didn't look from his book not even once, so annoyed I left the cafe. I told my girl friends about him, they said I need to make him fall in love with me and then break his heart.

( Di made an over reactive sound and I chuckle reminding her I was 15 and scolding her to listen to my story first and she signs zipping her mouth, locking and throwing the key)

I started visiting the cafe everday because my friends found that he regularly visited. I always used to sit opposite him, trying to catch his attention but he never looked at me. I tried holding the book upside down giving hints like in movies hoping he would correct me but he didn't. After 1 week, I took that as a challenge but still he behaved as if I don't exist. I made extra efforts getting ready but he never looked up. I started enjoying looking at his face, inspite of him wearing glasses, I could see his flawless skin, amber eyes, Diamond facial shape and thin pink lips. I looked at his face for hours without getting bored.I even got jealous with his looks and dark brown shining hairs covering his forehead, falling some above his eyes, everything in him started making me insecure.

"Oh my God Ni, you seriously felt insecure with a guy looks," Di says chuckling

"Fine, I am done, go back to sleep," I say laying on my bed

"No I am sorry, please continue," she says laying her head on my stomach.

After a month, he looked up when he made eye contact with me, my heart rate increased and I rushed out feeling shy. I didn't visit for a week, well atleast not my face. Then one day, he showed up outside my school gate, I thought he came for me but I was wrong he passed me to meet a girl, my bitch senior. I was so mad at her that next day, I put sanitizer and ketchup in a cup and then swapped with her drink. Stupid girl kept sipping until the halfway when she realized it tasted weird. I locked her inside the washroom stall, good thing she didn't knew it was me. The next day I went to the cafe and he was reading at his usual place. I went with a gift and a letter, he still was reading, I waited but it was 30 mins past his reading hour and It was getting dark so I kept it leaving the cafe. I was waiting for my friends after school next day, at school gate and he came, when he was about to return the letter and the gift. Rakshit saw him and he assumed he was flirting with me so he started punching him without listening to him. At that time, I kept quiet and my friends wouldn't let me say anything because they thought if anyone would know they will make fun of me, going after the nerd. I wanted to kill Rakshit in that moment for hurting him. I tried to stop him but when I told him to stop, he started punching him more aggressively.

He left him when my friends called the teachers because I asked them to. When he caught him and before Rakshit could blame him. I told him that Rakshit lost his temper when he saw his school batch. Rakshit was given detaintion. You know Oakland and Indus were rivals. It wasn't easy to fall in love with Oaklains, you might remember when boys used to propose you.

"Yes of course, I do they used to get beaten badly even for looking at us and our boys used to get beaten too," she says and I nod. Their rivalry still goes between Oakland and Indus even faculty continues our legacy.

"Then what happened?" she says

"You remember Rakshit got a fracture after few days and he was absent from school," I say and she nods.

"Did you do that???" She says and I chuckle

"Of course not Di, he fell from a stairs because I might have done something," I say smiling

"What did you do???" Di says glaring but curious

"We were racing on the corridor and I didn't do anything but he slipped because of his lose balance," I say shrugging and she rolls her eyes. We were intentional racing and he was crossing the corridor with a pile of books. Technically it wasn't my fault, I didn't plan him falling from the stairs and kissing the ground.

"Okay continue," she says

"Then I never saw him after that and I had to go through my first heartbreak. " I say

"What no that is so wrong, Do you still like him," she says and I nod

"Then let's find him," she says

"Di stop being filmy," I say

"No I am serious," she says

"Di he must me getting married now, you never know," I say and she gives up.

I walked out to the balcony when Di was sleeping. My story with him never ended, I had fallen in love with him even before knowing the real meaning of love. I followed him and never gave up on us, I didn't want my story to end. I loved him and after trying for 2 years I finally won him but now I was giving up for my sister. My heart was hurting but Kesh wasn't an object, I can't give up on him when he loved me, he was fighting for us alone. I get to share his struggle not run away because I was scared of facing my family.

I was about to call him when I saw his message. He wanted me to come but I was too stubborn. The tears were flowing from my eyes, rembering our moments, how could I be this weak when I need him the most. I couldn't sleep whole night thinking about him. I need to talk to him after he returns. I can't give up, never.

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