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Kesh Pov:

I have my Tilak ceremony today and here I am busy working. Since I have returned from our trip, I have been working non-stop. I had done my work in advance but even that wasn't enough. Just a week and my work load had increased. My brother's were enjoying  and here I am working. I haven't spoken to Nia, after we returned. It's not like I am mad at her but this work stress is irking and I don't want to release my anger on her the only reason I am avoiding her.

After completing all my work, I left my office hoping atleast I could have a little break from work. I had 20 mins before the ceremony and here I was stuck in traffic. After the traffic cleared I was already late and when I reached there her family was already there, waiting for me. I excused myself greeting them. Trilekha ma, wasn't pleased with my late arrival but anyway she didn't say anything until I reached my room.

"Aakesh how can you be late for your own Tilak." She says scolding me.

"Sorry ma, I lost track of time." I say

"Alright get ready now, before Raagavi finds you." She says

I shower and change into a light peach kurta. After Nia's comment on my glasses I decide to discontinue wearing. It's not like, I can't see my eyes are completely fine. I also changed my hairstyle. I wanted to impress Nia. I know I shouldn't have been rude to her when she commented but I just got a little insecure.

"Aakesh are you done?" Mom says and when I turn she looks at me shocked.

"You look different. A good different if that makes sense." Samira Chachi says. Mom and Ma looks at each other confused.

"Why did you suddenly decide to change yourself?" Mom says

"C'mon sister it's his wedding. He needs to look charming for his Niashya and make everyone jealous. Right Aakesh." Samira chachi says winking making me awkward.

"Don't you think, we need to ward off  the evil eyes." Viday Chachi says.

"Yes, C'mon Raagavi do it. I could have done but you are older than me." Ma says making mom glare at her. After they were done we left for Satya Narayan Katha. After Puja and Arti the rituals started, the rituals were done by her younger brother, Abhishek. He applied Tilak and gave me gifts accepting me as his brother in law. I was given sweets, gifts, money, rings, chains and bracelets. They also brought Nia luggage and everything she would need.

After the exchange of gifts, I left them because I was sitting for continuously two hours. I call Nia hoping she wasn't mad at me. Once I called she picked up.

"Hello" she says

"Hey baby." I say

"Why did you call?" She says

"To see you." I say switching to video call and she takes it.

"What!!! don't look at me like you have seen a ghost." She says chuckling.

"Well you look beautiful." I say

"You think, with this heavy Kajal and braided oily hair. I look good. Have you seen yourself, you can wear new clothes but I have to wear this old saree. When everyone will flaunt their new dress I will be sitting with the smudge Kajal on my wedding." She says making me laugh.

"No you look cute." I say reminding her.

"Really, don't worry you will also look cute soon." She says smirking

"What do you mean?" I ask raising my eyebrows while she chuckles.

"Wait until your Haldi." She says

"As if it's just my Haldi." I say annoyed

"Well it is, we going to have on different timings, love." She says

"Okay now what do we have after Tilak?" I asked

"Nothing for 2 days. Rest as much as you can because there will be lots of rituals and you will feel drowsy all the time. So don't bother." She says pouting

"Got it. So what about our honeymoon?" I ask

"There is no honeymoon." She says

"What do you mean? No honeymoon." I say annoyed while she rolls her eyes.

"What do you think after giving me cold shoulder for more than a month. You expect a honeymoon." She says and I roll my eyes.

"C'mon don't be childish." I say

"Well that's your punishment." She says

"Baby remove that saree from your shoulder. I need to check if my eyes are still working or not." I say and she rolls her eyes.

"Behave yourself Kesh. You are not seeing anything." she says putting her phone on the table, showing the ceiling of her room.

"Fine don't show me anything but atleast show me your face." I say annoyed when I couldn't see anything other than the ceiling.

"Wait gimme 2 mins I will be back." She says and I wait until she is done.

"Ah finally. You changed?" I say

"Hmm I did. I am not going to wear that all the time." She says.

"Did you eat?" I ask

"No I am on a fast. Now I will only eat after marriage." She says winking

"What have you lost it? You can't stay without food for 4 days. You need to eat." I say firmly

"I was kidding Kesh. I will eat after everyone returns from your place and don't worry mom has been feeding me all day. Only thing troubling me is my cramps." She says

"Baby how are you going to manage everything with this period and you should have told, I almost forgot, we could have postpone the dates." I say

"It's no big deal. It's just periods and I hardly have to do anything. They will take care of everything." She says laying her head on the pillow.

"You sure?" I ask and she nods. Although she goes through cramps for the whole week, she never uses that an excuse. She stills continues her routine. Sometimes she even faints due to pain and she says some has to go through worse. I am lucky that I can bear my pain while everyone can't.

"Go sleep. Call me when you wake up." I say and she nods. I end the call and I hear a knock on my door. When I open it, I saw Mom with my dinner. I take it from her hand and she follows me. I keep it on the table.

"Aakesh are you happy with Nia?" She says

"Yes Mom, why do you ask?" I say

"Because I know you have a girlfriend." She says and my eyes snaps at her.

"Mom, I don't know what you are talking about." I say trying not to sound nervous.

"You think I am fool and I don't know what is going in your life huh. Every time you sneak out. You think I don't know. Having hair bands inside your pocket. Lipstick stains on your clothes. Female perfume on you. I have also seen lots of female stuffs in your wardrobe. Used not brand new." She says folding her arms glaring at me reminding me of Nia.

"Stop smiling Aakesh." She says scolding me and I snap back before spacing out.

"Mom what are you even saying. I don't understand." I say nervously

"I think I was clear. And not only that you are getting annoyed at everyone after our family trip. Your Dad said you
are being rude to your employees. What is it tell me if you don't want to get married it's alright, I will talk to your father. We will solve this." Mom says worried now.

"Mom relax it's not her, it just work stress and why would you think I don't want to get married to Nia. I like her. She is perfect and I would be happy to spend my life with her. Trust me mom." I say assuring her and she nods. She leaves telling me to finish my food before bed. I finish my dinner and change into pajamas before sleeping.

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