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Nia pov:

"Sorry girls, he likes men." I say when Akshit was stepping towards the girls. His eyes snaps at me while I pass my innocent smile.

"That was not done. Since when did I start liking men." Akshit says glaring and I shrug.

"Oh just let it go man and isn't that true." Hazel says keeping her elbow in his shoulder and teasing him while he just rolls his eyes.

"We need to go back to the hotel. It's late." Kesh says

"No, we need to visit Jet d'Eau first." I say making a pout and he nods. We all visit water fountain.

"Tu es belle tu aimerais passer la soirée??" A man few years older to me says making me blush.
[You are beautiful, would you like to spend your evening with me.]

" Merci beaucoup et je suis fiancé." I say showing him my engagement ring.
[Thank you and I am engaged.]

"Quelqu'un est jaloux." I say when he holds my hand in a tight grip.
[Someone is jealous]

"Wait till we go back to hotel belle." He say annoyed making me giggle.

"I am waiting Monsieur." I say

We all go to the fountain enjoying our view. When the night air and the water makes the temperature colder making me shiver inspite of wearing a pull over. He back hugs me, caging me in his arms giving me his body warmth and I relax enjoying the view. They all start teasing us and I hide myself in his arms.

It was late when we reached back to our hotel. Kesh was showering while I was checking on the articles that was supposed to be uploaded. Max told me to go through once because this articles was written by one of our team members and he wasn't sure. Once I was done I sent it back to Max. The articles didn't have any problem, the only changes needed was the use of jargons. I look up from my screen only to see Kesh coming out of the bathroom with towel around his waist and drying his hair with another towel. The water droplets from his hair making it's way from his neck to the chest and going downwards below his waist line.

"Baby, do you like your view?" He says pulling me out of my thoughts. I turn my eyes in different direction taking a glass and gulping the whole content. He back hugs me putting his head on my shoulder sending tingles to my body. I inhale the smell of his body wash.

"Wait did you use my shampoo and body wash." I say turning to him and he chuckles.

"Yes, don't you hate other women smell on me, so I thought if I use your shampoo and body wash then girls would stay away from me." He says in husky tone leaning towards my face and I close my eyes waiting for him to kiss me but it never came. When I open my eyes I saw him smirking and moving backward, drying his hair with the same towel.

"Good night Kesh." I say with a smile trying to not get affected by his teasing.

"Good night love." He says chuckling.

"Why don't you stop wearing your glasses?" I asked and his eyes snaps at me. Shit! I shouldn't have said that. It's not like I have issues with his glasses. He looks perfect to me. He moves towards me with a frown. It completely slipped my mind, he hates it when I say anything about his looks. He lifts my chin making me look at him.

"What did you say? Say that again." He says in monotonous tone.

"Since when did you start deciding huh love." He says snaking his arms on my waist and playing with my fingers of my right hand.

"Do you not like me now? Huh!!! Do I look ugly to you?" He says with a cold gaze.

"No Kesh never. You will never look ugly to me. I am sorry for saying that. I shouldn't have said. I am sorry." I say trying to hold my tears.

"I don't want you to repeat this, okay." He says pissed in my ears and I nod. He moves back pushing me. I know it's my fault, he hates when I comment anything about his looks but he didn't have to be harsh. I am not even allowed to touch his glasses let alone talk. It wasn't even a deal but Kesh hates it when I question him. This is the line I can never cross.

"Now stop crying Niashya, I haven't even said anything." He says sighing. I get up taking my jacket and my phone. My visions were blurring from tears but just before I could make towards the door, he grips my wrist.

"Did you not hear me baby, I said stop crying and where do you think you are going. Go back to bed it's late." He says firmly pulling my jacket and phone before throwing them on the couch. He drags me towards the bed, switching off all the lights. He didn't even realize that I am scared of darkness. I sleep on the bed trying to be far from him.

"Stop it, Niashya I need to sleep." He says before rolling to his side and turning his back on me. I wipe my tears trying to not make a sound but this stupid tears would never stop. I tried my best to not make a sound but was failing so I stood up going inside the bathroom.

"I don't want you weeping in the bathroom either, so return within 30 seconds before I drag you myself." He says in a monotonous tone. I clean my face. I lay on the bed. I can't sleep in the darkness and he knows that. I watch the ceiling trying to count number hoping to fall sleep. My body was numb staying in the same position because I didn't want him to scold me again. After few minutes I hear his soft breathing. I relax before switching on the small light. I turn my back on him but he pulls me towards himself by my waist in his sleep. I soon fall sleep.

In the morning when I wake up I don't find him beside me. Now he is going to stay mad and ignore me as long as he wants. Wow!!! Shouldn't I be mad at him for controlling me all time and scolding me for no reason. Not just that, I am not allowed to take his decision but he can take mine. How is that fair!!! I go inside the washroom freshening up.

I was being ignored by him and not only that he didn't even talk to me once after that night on the whole trip. I was pissed with his attitude but what else can I do. It's been three weeks until we returned and now we are supposed to go on shopping and he wouldn't pick up my calls or reply to my text. Is this time to get mad. It's not even a week left for our marriage. We were supposed to go shop together but forget it if he didn't want then it's fine by me. I wouldn't go shopping either. Tomorrow is our Tilak ceremony. My family will be going to his house taking gifts while I will be staying home. My maternal aunt will apply ubtan and oil before going to his house with gifts. After the ubtan ceremony I can't go outside so today was my last day for shopping.

My friends and Di are planning my bachelorette party today. Di also invited her friends because they insisted. I hear a notification sound and I check my phone.

Kesh: be ready I will pick you in an hour.

Me: I am not coming.

Kesh: don't be stubborn. Be a good girl I am picking you up.


Kesh: so you are having second thoughts huh

Me: does it matter

Kesh: no we will still get married

Me: I have my bachelorette today and I don't plan on going outside.

Kesh: fine do whatever pleases

I left it on seen. I didn't want to reply to his obnoxious text. How can he even think that I am having second thoughts. Inspite of everything, I was not having any second thoughts but why did he have to say that. Tears starts falling my eyes. I can't control my tears and my family has been thinking that I am just upset to leave. Dad even said that if this thought upsets me then I don't have to get married. He will take care of me forever. I know he was just said that to make me feel better and this warms my heart. I am not a cry baby but Kesh can make me anything.

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