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Akshit Pov:

It wasn't easy to be alone with the person I hate the most in the world my own brother, AAKESH ANATH. Yes, I hated him, I was a loser because of him. He took away everything from me, my mother loved him like her own son. He was this family pride and what was I a loser. I had to share everything with him not only my parents, family but also Sia.

My Sia, I loved her and this bastard didn't even hesitate to take her from me. We are not in any kind of romantic relationship neither do I have romantic feelings for her but she is my everything. The only person with whom I could talk anything, there isn't any judgement. She would listen to my complaints all the time but it's not easy for her when I hate the man she loves. She even stands for me against him. He was driving to Ananth mansion and I didn't want to go back home. The family who favoured him because they thought he was the only person who turely earned our family title. While all our generation was only having because we had Anath's blood. He is best and what are we. F*uck now I have to stay with them.

All my freedom I had from last 3 years was slipping now all because of my so called brother. He stops at our home bringing me out of my thoughts. I was following him inside the house.

"Akshit bro," Akshita says hugging me and I hug my sister back, I missed her and all my cousins as well. The next few minutes went by hugging them and catching up until I hear Mama's voice.

"Akshit son, Aren't you going to hug your mother," Mom (Raagavi) says smiling I embrace her. Inspite of Me and Akshita being the children of her love rival, she accepted us.

"I missed you son," she says

"I missed you too mother," I say stilling hugging her.

"Can I get a hug too please," Viday Chachi says and I hug both my Chachi.

"Are you guys going to have this reunion outside or planning on coming inside." Muma (Trilekha biological mother) says.

"Mom I missed you," I say trying to hug her but she glares at me and I step back.

"Trilekha, He came after 3 years and you are giving him cold shoulder." Raagavi Mom says scolding her.

"Raagavi he isn't a kid. He is a grown up man and he needs to take his responsibility and look at him. Does it look like he cares. Vidyuth send him for his master's not for him to ignore us and do what he thinks is freedom." Mom says disappointed.

"Trilekha, I know you are right but he is young. For them taking responsibilities is overwhelming. Give him some time." Raagavi muma says.

"No Raagavi, Aakesh was also young when he was shouldered with responsibilities. I know he can't be like him but even a percent is more than enough but he isn't even trying." Mom says mad at me. She is right I am a loser but coming it from her makes me feels like shit.

"Enough let's go inside, we are not talking about this now and I trust my son he will be soon be capable enough to take all kinds of responsibilities." Raagavi mom says glaring at Mom. We also walk inside the house when no one says anything after that. I wanted to go inside my room not in a mood to deal with any more drama.

"Akshit when did you return?" Dad says making me halt my step.

"Yesterday," I say looking at the floor

"Then why didn't you not come back home yesterday itself." Dad says with angry dripping from his voice.

"Sorry Dad I went to see my friends and they insisted on staying for a night over." I say nervously

"You should have informed son." Dad says when he gets a call leaving. Now I was disappointed, he doesn't care until it's about my brother. You see my father is a workaholic but also a family man only reason there is peace between both his wife. About me, he never cared. My mother never failed to remind me that Aakesh is thousand times better while Dad already got his favourite son back so why need me.

"Akshit my son come here, your Dadi missed her favourite grandchild," Dadi says opening her arms and I try to muster up my best smile, returning her hug. Another person in this house who thinks Akshit is a fool, few sugarcoating words and you can control him. Only her hairs have turned grey but until today this old women dresses up as a 16 year old. Isn't it interesting to see your grandma, who only cares about money and gives you fake affection.

"Dadi you are glowing and getting younger day by day. Ah just look at you," I say looking at her.

"Really Akshit." She says smiling. A few compliment can get you anything with Dadi.

"Dadi I heard my brother is getting married?" I ask

"Yes and she is a Doctor." dadi says not very happy.

"Dadi come sit, we need to talk." I say taking her to sit on the couch while she gets confused but anyway follows me.

"What is it Akshit?" Dadi says curious

"Dadi how could you bring someone who is working. We need someone who can take care of us and specially brother. Dadi someone who can follow your footsteps. We can't let our family fall apart. You are the support system of our family" She furrow her eyebrows and I continue "but dadi if she is working then she may fail to follow our traditions and cultures." I say

"But son, almost all girls are working. How can we find someone who wants to look after her family??" She says. I hope I can change her perception. Sia, I would kill you for making me go through this you stupid girl.

"I don't know Dadi but I am asking you to train our sister in law so that she can gracefully carry herself like you do." I say and I see her smiling on my words.

"You are right son but where would we find someone like her? Do you know someone like that." She says. She isn't a fool just when I thought I got her she tries to test me. Wow thank you Sia, for letting me get trapped on my own words.

"Do you know if he has someone he likes? Or any girl who isn't ashamed of being a housewife in this era." She says. She wants me to spill out the truth. After all it isn't easy to hide relationship for years. She obviously will have doubt looking at his actions. Nevermind dadi, you got the wrong person.

"Dadi don't look at me like that you know he never shares anything with me nor do I. How would I know if he likes a girl?? I was just trying to share my opinion and I know last decision will be yours, you know better than us. I just meant inspite of everything we still believe in embracing our culture. I am your grandchild Dadi, I would never be against you Dadi, never." I say and she nods. I leave excusing myself hoping she got my hint. If his stupid best friend hadn't failed then I wouldn't be sitting here helping them. This was only for Sia not him, I keep repeating in my mind.

"I think I know someone Dadi," Kaya bhabhi says chirping and with that I slow my pace waiting if Sia plan worked on not.

"Who Kaya?" Dadi ask.

"Niashya Pandit, Aadrika's sister." Kaya says. I bring my phone texting her.

Me: mission accomplished.

Sis: What!!! did she agree??

Me: have patience girl. Kaya just mentioned you.

Sia: oh thanks monkey you have my heart :)

Me: where???

Sia: with YOUR BROTHER silly :)

Me: funny

Sia: shut up

Me: I did this only for you and you know it isn't free

Sia: cash or online transfer

Me: of course cash

Sia: okay

I don't say anything and close my phone keeping it on my bed. I go inside to shower first, since I didn't shower in the morning and I was stinking thankfully no one mentioned.

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