15 | under pressure

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Mystic Falls, Virginia, 6 November 2010

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Mystic Falls, Virginia, 6 November 2010

Packing up her life in Mystic Falls was fairly easy for Anastasia since she'd only lived there for less than two months. The only thing of real importance to her was in a locked box beneath her bed, containing the few possessions she had saved from her life in the Russian Empire.

Kol and Vader rested peacefully on the white sheet now covering her bed — with similar ones covering every other piece of furniture in the mansion. Anastasia couldn't help but wonder where they were heading next and who'd be accompanying them.

Anastasia had yet to speak with Rebekah again after the little incident where she got daggered by her mother. Elijah had been AWOL since the night they stopped Esther from trying to kill her children and Kol had been absent since last night when he stormed out. For all Anya knew, the Wildest Mikaelson could be halfway across the globe now.

Busying herself with making sure that all of her books had been properly packed in boxes, Anastasia almost missed her phone vibrating on the bed. Vader's bark as he stared suspiciously at the device alerted her to the ringing.

"Good morning, Rebekah," Anastasia said as she answered the call.

"How do you feel about clean up duty?" Rebekah wondered.

"I can't say I am a fan," Anastasia said truthfully. "I'm much better at causing a mess than cleaning it up."

"Matt bailed on me which means I'm going to be stuck with Caroline," Rebekah complained, "and if I have to clean up after this miserable dance alone with her, I might rip out her pretty blonde hair."

"You're not really selling this for me, Bekah," Anastasia said. Clean up duty sounded terrible enough without having to endure Rebekah and Caroline's constant arguing.

Rebekah sighed disappointedly, "If you change your mind, you know where to find me."

"I know what you're doing," Anastasia told her, not about to admit that she felt a little bad about denying Rebekah's request. "This is manipulation." When the line went dead, Anastasia stared at her phone with a frown.

Did she want to clean up after a high school dance?

Absolutely not...

Did she feel a little bad about leaving Rebekah — who probably felt nothing but disappointment for missing the decade dance she organised — to clean it up with a girl she hated?


Maybe this is what friends were supposed to do for each other — suffer through boring things for the sake of their friends. Not counting her initial coldness, Rebekah had treated Anya with kindness since they first met...

"Ugh, I hate this town," Anastasia complained when she finally made her decision. In an attempt to retrieve her jacket from the bottom of the suitcase, she managed to mess up all the clothes inside but that was a problem for another time — and somebody else.

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