Chapter 4

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“I thought I'd stop by to check on you.” I say as Grace opens the front door. She glows, even with her weariness.

I met Grace just a few months ago and it was through her husband, Lance. We all go to the same church, but had never met before. Lance wanted someone to help his wife take care of their twins, not wanting it to be too much for Grace. Someone let him know that I work as something called a Newborn Care Specialist and connected us. Basically, I go into the homes of families, meeting the basic needs of their babies. It’s mainly an overnight job, but I do daytime and afternoon care as well and I love it.

Lance hadn’t known at the time that I’m also a Nigerian and from the same tribe as Grace, so that came as a pleasant surprise. Not only that, we’re  age mates. What started as a job opportunity quickly became a friendship and I have gotten to know both of them well these past two months.

“—but we’ll see what happens.” I hear Lance’s voice booming from the living room. 

“Thank you, oré, I appreciate it. I thank God that you are able to be here like this. Mama wanted to be here,” Grace’s expression falls a bit. “But she’s back home right now.” Her mother is in Nigeria currently and has not been able to see her grandchildren just yet. Not only that, Grace’s older sister, Victoria, is pregnant with her firstborn and is hoping their mother will be able to see her baby as well, when the time comes.

“That’s alright, Grace,” I say, giving her a hug. As a mother, especially a first time mother, she’s in a delicate time right now and I’m just happy to be here for her. “I’ll help however I can and be a part of your support system. Your sister is nearby as well and can help.” 

We break away and Grace nods, her eyes swimming. She’s normally more stoic, but this is a lot to take in, especially with having twins. That and her body is going through a lot of changes hormonally and physically. 

“Thank you for coming,” she repeats, near tears. 

“It’s alright. Here, let’s go see your babies.” I take her hand and she nods with a smile, leading me to the living room. I’ve been over countless times so I’m familiar with their home. But as we walk into the living room, I see an unfamiliar man with a buzz cut and neatly trimmed facial hair. He’s large, not like Lance who is rounder, but he’s large as in muscular and on the taller end. 

His handsome face is set in a scowl as he wears a brooding expression, but I can tell that’s just how he looks. His arms are crossed as he listens to Lance intently.

“—so, I mean, it’s been a wonderful experience, but fatherhood has been tough.”

“I can imagine," the man responds.

“But I wouldn’t trade it for anything,” Lance says and the other man smiles, his expression softening.

“I know you’ll be a great father, Lance.” The man’s eyes land on me and he pauses, glancing at Grace and then back at me. He opens his mouth to speak when Lance places a hand on his shoulder, drawing his attention back to him.

“You’ll be a great father too, Fred. When the time comes.” Silence passes between them, but I notice Fred’s expression soften further.

“Thanks, Lance. Truly.” 

“Lance,” Grace says after a few seconds. Both men face us and Lance wears a wide smile, warm as always. “Kemi is here.”

“Right on time; welcome back! Meet Fred, a fellow coworker and dear brother in Christ. He’s also the second godfather to the kids.” His voice bellows.

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