Chapter 17

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What word could I use to describe how I'm feeling? Over the moon seems like an understatement. Happy would merely be circumstantial. Overjoyed can't fully encompass it.

I feel blessed by the Lord Himself. And who can bless better than He?

I gaze at Kemi, unable to help myself. She gazes back at me, a smile on her face.

"Fred, we'll never get home at this rate." 

I blink, recalling what it was I was doing before. I was walking her to her car.

The date just ended and we took a walk around the block, passing our vehicles several times as we did circles. It's a bit breezy outside, but we didn't mind as much, our minds elsewhere even with the chill.

"Right, let me get you inside your car," I say, walking her to her vehicle. Kemi just smiles, allowing me to open her door. We glance at our connected hands before looking back at one another. My heart soars and I take her other hand in mine.

"I love you, Kemi." I say with all my heart and she gives just about the warmest smile I've ever seen.

"I love you too, Fred."

How do I let her go after she says it like that? I struggle to do so, but I release her, knowing that I'll see her again, Lord willing.

She gazes at me before taking hold of my shirt, her head tilting as she keeps me in place. My eyes widen at her bold action. 

"Will you come visit us tomorrow?" She asks, undeterred by my expression. 

"I-yes, yes." I stammer and she smiles, but still holds on.

"Alright," she drawls, still gazing at me. She seems to want something, but my mind is scattered right now and simply hung up on this new development. Kemi frowns lightly before shaking her head, amused. She lets me go, sliding into her seat.

"Don't drive distracted, Fred." 

I bite back a smile.  "Right," I say and she grins. I shut her door gently and watch as she drives away. I watch after her even as her car disappears, a boyish grin on my face. 

"Oh Lord." I practically float on the way to my truck. "Oh my," I mutter, repeating the words over and over.

Then I remember Joseph and I call him, excited to share this good news. I can't keep it to myself.

"Listen, sorry about before," he immediately says.

"Sorry? Joseph, thank God and thank you and Grace. She loves me! She said that she loves me. Oh my word. Joe. I can't believe this." I laugh in the face of my previous fears, realizing how wrong they were. And what a blessing it was that I accidentally let it slip to him last week. And what a blessing it is that my dear friend and his wife took it upon themselves to pull this off. It was bold and it worked.

"Wow, it actually worked?"

"It worked! Yes! At first I thought it was foolish, once I caught onto what you were both doing, but worked. Joseph...I'm so thankful. My heart might just burst." I laugh again and tears prick my eyes. Kemi wants to be with me the same way I want to be with her.

Oh, what a blessing.

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