Chapter 22

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A/N: My apologies for the lateness, I had to work on this chapter for a while to get it to where I was fine with it. The very start of this chapter reads as a continuation to the last one. Please enjoy.


Wonderful things come with patience, and in due time. Kemi rests beside me, asleep and tucked into my side, a position she snuggled herself into. I wouldn't have it any other way.

I love her so much.

I determine to take her out tomorrow.

I take her to the restaurant we had our first date in, which feels like years ago, and I marvel at how that night changed everything.

I excuse myself to go to the bathroom after surveying the restaurant and making sure everything is relatively safe.

When I come back, I see a random woman beside Kemi. Her eyes dart around as she speaks to my wife. My eyes narrow once I see Kemi's expression and how she looks ticked off. I speed up my pace and stand behind her once I get there.

The woman gives me an odd look, looking upset for some reason. Kemi takes my hand and I naturally put my other one around her shoulders.

"Everything okay?" I ask.

"Just remember what I said—"

"You can go now," Kemi interrupts the woman, crossing one leg over the other, and fixing her with a look that only has me wondering what happened. The woman's eyes dart to me and back to Kemi and I understand that she sees me as a threat. I blink, not expecting that.

"You just let me know if—"

"Go. Now. Or I can ask for staff to help you get going." I've yet to hear her have such annoyance and lack of time for another person. The lady slowly meanders away and we watch her go.

"Do you want to head back home?" I ask.

"No. You brought me here and I want to enjoy it."


Sex trafficking. The lady thinks Fred is trying to traffic me. Fred looks his age, but he's also large with his build and can seem domineering. I'm smaller in comparison and look a few years younger than my own age, so she was worried he was up to no good.

Her nosiness isn't entirely bad, as trafficking does occur, but her persistence in insisting something that was not reality ticked me off. Her painting him as an evil man that she claimed, "likely only wants me for my body" and would "pass me around" was terrible. She was tactless and thoughtless in her approach and I didn't appreciate that.

Fred is my love and he's not a sicko trying to use me for my body.

I look at him now as he fiddles with a little container of butter, in deep concentration as his large hands try to open the small flap in the corner.

I smile at his mishap as it slips out of his hands. He fumbles a bit as he tries to catch it, only to try again. I reach for the butter, having a much easier time opening it.

"That's why I married you," he jokes in his own dry way. I laugh.

"Just for the butter?"

"Not quite, but that won me over," he smiles and my chest warms. It's a blessing to be with him.

"I love you, Fred."

He looks at me and his expression softens. I've only ever seen it soften to this degree for Dayo and I.

This man has my heart.

"I love you too, Kemi."

I know. Neither of us say anything more as something warm envelopes us. It's lovely and it feels like it heals something inside of me.

Once we get home, I take Fred's hand and lead him to the bedroom. He doesn't stop me, as if knowing I'm finally ready to go all the way. It might not be our best first time, but we'll take things one step at a time.

Fred kisses me and I tug him closer.

Things go smoothly from there, but he pauses right before the big moment, searching my face for anything that would stop him, but he doesn't find it.

I urge him on gently and he nods, silent.

As Fred and I go further, I understand why people enjoy intimacy. And an odd thought dawns on me. In Song of Songs, making love is spoken of poetically and it's looked at in such a positive way. I avoided this book in Scripture, not able to understand it and how such experiences could be good.

But now, I feel like I could tell of such passions in a similar manner.

Fred is so good to me. He tends to my body like a precious gift given to him that he wants to cherish and discover.

But he's also my gift. I want to cherish him just as much and I want to find out how to love on him like he does with me.

Our time together only deepens what we already have and by the end of it, I feel like my soul intertwines with his in a way I can't even begin to fathom.

And that was just our first time.

I hover over him now. It's been a month since that day and I love how he doesn't stop me anymore.

Fred's eyes meet mine as I straighten up and we exchange a look before he switches our position.

I can't seem to get enough of him. With sex there's no shame and no pain any longer. I want to sing to the rooftops about this. Who knew what God made could be so good? How was this kept from me?

"Kemi, I've got to get going." Fred says in between my kisses, but he makes no move to go.

"Mhm," I hum, covering his face with them. He chuckles, sitting up and pulling me up with him.



"Alright, just a couple more," he relents. I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him down and causing us both to fall back into bed. I grin, ready to give him more than a few kisses.

"I'm keeping you here with me," I promise.

"I made the dentist appointment already and it's in two hours."

"Reschedule," I simply say, already getting to work on his clothes.

"...Only if you reschedule your grocery shopping tonight."

I smirk. "That's not until the evening, Fred."

"If you want me for an hour, I'll need you for the day."

I almost wonder if he was planning to reschedule his appointment anyways.

"I'll have you know that I already rescheduled it," I say. He cracks a smile.

"I don't think either of us was planning on going anywhere today," he says before bringing my mouth back to his. Isn't that the truth?

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