Chapter 9

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"Domestic violence," I mutter as my partner and I rush to the townhouse in the Minneapolis area. I have this feeling in my gut and I just can't shake it. It's only four in the morning. I'm hoping the call to the dispatcher wasn't made by her, but I have a feeling.

We pull up to the home and there's a car parked haphazardly on the front lawn, not even in the driveway. We approach the home cautiously, but with quick strides, scanning the area and the car, hands on our hips.

I'm about to knock when a shot rings out in the home. My eyes widen and adrenaline rushes through me as I try the knob and find it gives. We enter, our guns drawn.

I keep my mouth shut as we enter, not announcing our presence just yet. Normally, I would, but this is an emergency situation; with shots coming from the inside I know it'll make things worse.

Our eyes take in the mess on the ground and it's apparent there was a scuffle. More than a scuffle, even. Papers are strewn around and furniture like lamps and dressers have been toppled over. There was a mad dash.

I make my way to a wall, staying close and looking for items that have a reflection to show what might be going on around the wall. We keep our ears open, listening.

"Kemi! If you don't open that door, I'll blow your head off!" Another shot. "You think I'm playi-" I round the corner quickly, stepping into view and keeping my gun on the suspect.

"Police! Put your gun down!" The man stands in front of a door, his gun pressed up right against it. He spins in surprise, looks at both of us and takes off, heading down a hall and shutting himself into another room. My partner goes after him and I go to the shut door to help Kemi.

I find the door handle doesn't budge and I get ready to put my weight on it and barge in when, for some reason, I decide to look over to my left, into the kitchen. I pause, seeing what looks like a corner of black fabric on the ground.

Confusion has me moving closer, my eyes scanning the empty living room we stepped into just now, and now I scan the seemingly empty kitchen.

With my gun in hand, I slowly step into the space, angling around cautiously, ready to shoot if necessary.

Whatever it is is hidden by the island in the kitchen. I inch forward, seeing more black fabric before I see a body and my heart stops as I see Kemi, bloodied and bruised, her eyes shut and her head bowed as her chin is tucked against her chest.

Even with my years on the job and with all my experience, I freeze. I freeze and find myself staring before scrambling to the ground, putting the safety on my gun and tucking it back into my holster.

"Kemi." Panic runs through me as I take hold of her. Her body slouches as she remains unconscious. No! Come on.

I check her pulse, noting how it's weak, but it's there. Her chest rises and falls as well. She's not dead and I thank God, but that doesn't mean she's in the clear.

"Kemi. Kemi." Her eyes flutter open and it feels like a blessing as she eventually looks at me. Her hands move instinctively as she slowly gets her bearings.


"Kemi. Kemi." My eyes focus on the man in uniform who crouches in front of me, holding onto my shoulders. His expression is riddled with worry. I take in his features and familiar deep-set eyes. It's Fred. I realize I'm holding fast to his uniform with a hand and my other one covers my abdomen. Slowly, Fred's eyes follow and an unreadable expression takes over his face.

"Did he hurt your child?" he asks, his tone dark. I try to remember if he did, but I only recall other parts of my body taking the blows.

"I-I don't think so," I stutter, adrenaline going through me. He nods once, but his expression is stormy.

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