Chapter 12

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Time flies by quickly during my pregnancy and I try to savor it as much as I can. Not everything is smooth sailing, but after my losses I feel like it's a privilege to be able to keep this baby. My love only increases as time goes on and I'm amazed by his steady growth.

Grace has been such a support for me, along with Uncle Joe and Fred. Especially Fred. He stops by every now and then to check up on me and give me hugs. His visits are never long, but I like them a lot. I appreciate him and his kindness.

Soon enough, I get to my ninth month of pregnancy and I decrease how often I work as I get uncomfortable and need more rest.

The family I'm working with currently understands that and we had already timed the end of our contract to be near my due date.

I think about the contract now as I relax in my bath tub. Today was my last day with the family, but they're curious if I can extend it as we get along great with one another. But I'm not sure if I'll be able to. 

I had to come back home a little early as the Braxton Hicks-false contractions-seemed stronger today. It wasn't getting better as I walked around with their baby, nor was it getting better with my changing positions. 

I came home and timed them, realizing these were likely real contractions and I found them to be six minutes apart. So I drew a warm bath to relax. And relax it did. I even dozed off. But a sharp contraction woke me right up.

I shift, noting the time with my phone and how they're closer together now. I control my breathing as they go through me, finding them bearable still.

But as time goes on, the contractions become intense and the pain shoots through me. I manage my breathing, trying to focus on the time still. Once they get close enough I can go to the hospital. 

Finally, they come about three minutes apart. It's time to go.

I stand, trying to make my way out of the bathtub, but somehow I slip, pitching forward. I throw my hands out to stop my fall and fall onto my hands and knees, hitting my leg on the side of the tub and banging my knee of my other leg on the bottom of the tub. Pain shoots through my leg and I feel fear rise up in me as I think about how close I was to falling out. I could have hurt my baby.

I stay put, shaken. Adrenaline pumps through me and my situation sets in. I'm all alone, in labor, and in a tub. 

I would try to get out again, but if I slip and fall out, it could easily go south and I'd be all alone. 

I need to call Grace.

My hand fumbles for my phone and I scroll down to her number as another wave of contractions go through me.

The phone rings and I put it on speaker, trying to just breathe. 


“Grace, it's-it’s happening,” there's silence and I groan as the contractions intensify before dying down. 

“Kemi?” My mind, that is quickly becoming scrambled, focuses enough to recognize the male voice. I somehow hadn't noticed he answered.


“Yeah…are you giving birth?” I notice his tone is deeper and sluggish like he just woke up. I glance at the time on my phone. It's four in the morning.

“Yes, I'm sorry. I meant to call Grace.”

“Don't apologize.” I hear him shift around and sounds are heard. “Grace is at work today.” My heart falls as I realize that's true. I forgot about that. 

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