Chapter 5: Heidi's Car Wash

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Today was a good day. Heidi and most of the bots were downstairs in the training room. Ratchet and Optimus stayed up top for their shift to look for Decepticon signals. Heidi sat on a crate set up by Cliffjumper in the room, watching. Bulkhead and Cliffjumper were doing a 1v1 sparring while Bumblebee and Arcee did some target practice. Heidi took a long sip of her slushy as she watched Cliffjumper get slammed down onto the floor again. Bulkhead held him down and no matter how much Cliffjumper struggled, he couldn't get free.

"You're out, Cliff," Heidi said, taking another slurp of her slushy. Cliffjumper scoffed as Bulkhead kept him pinned on the ground.

"You kidding? Never! After all, You mess with Cliffjumper and you get the horns-ack!" He said, being interrupted by the extra pressure Bulkhead put on them. Bulkhead chuckled as Cliffjumper continued his struggles from below. Heidi had to admire his persistence. Arcee then walked up next to Heidi, watching the fight playoff.

"So, Has Cliffjumper called quits yet?" Arcee asked. Heidi shook her head, taking another sip before looking at Arcee.

"Nope, he's too stubborn for his own good. This is the 5th time Bulk's took him down. You gotta admit, he's persistent." Heidi said. Arcee placed a hand on her hip, smirking. She turned back to the mechs who were still in the same position as before.

"Hmph, Crazy's more like it."

"Like that's a surprise," Heidi replied. They both nodded, chuckling as they watched Cliffjumper squirm. Bulkhead wasn't having much trouble though. It's not a surprise due to his size and his strength.

"Come on, Cliff. You'd be dead at this point. Call it quits."

"No way! I can do it. Just need to find an opening so this bull can charge!" Cliffjumper said, continuing his attempts to squirm away. Bulkhead sighed as he continued to hold him down, by this point, bored. Heidi slapped a hand on her face, officially tired of the situation.

"Cliff, I'm pretty sure this bull is beaten. Let it rest in peace." Arcee teased. Cliffjumper shot a quick glare at Arcee before trying one last time to escape. After that, he let out a defeated sigh and patted Bulkhead's arm. Bulkhead then released him and helped him up to his feet.

"Ah, scrap! I was so close. I could feel it." Cliffjumper said, brushing himself off. Bulkhead laughed, slapping his back playfully. Cliffjumper almost fell forward from the hit but caught himself before he could. Sometimes, Bulkhead would forget how strong he is.

"Whatever you say, Cliff," Bulkhead said. Cliffjumper rolled his optics, a smirk coming across his face. As Bulkhead and Arcee started talking, Cliffjumper walked up to Heidi. He stretched himself out, maybe a bit sore from the workout. Heidi smirked, placing her drink down with a knowing look.

"Phew, It's so hot today. I couldn't think straight and That's why I lost." Cliffjumepr said, trying to excuse himself. Heidi laughed at this as Cliffjumper sat on the ground beside the crate. He leaned up against it, sighing a bit in relief as Heidi spoke.

"Sure, Cliffjumper. Keep telling yourself that." Heidi said sarcastically. She scooched herself over, laying her stomach with her head propped up near the edge. She looked down at Cliffjumper, bobbing her legs back and forth as she did. Cliffjumper looked up at her, giving a knowing look as he got comfortable. Suddenly, the comlink turned on and Optimus's voice came through.

"Everyone, please report to the main room and prepare to groundbridge. Ratchet has found a large energon signal and we need to scout it out immediately. All of us." Optimus ordered. The comlink then switched off and Cliffjumper groaned. Heidi chuckled, beginning to stand up as Cliffjumper watched. Arcee walked up to him, placing her servos on her hips.

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