Chapter 11: POOL DAY! + Announcement (Again)

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ANNOUNCEMENT: Hey y'all! So I felt bad that the special chapters were taking so long so I made this to satisfy you all. Good News! I've started on the TFP series now. Just need to finish the special chapters and I will focus on the series timeline. Get Ready for more adventures with Heidi. A new series will pop up soon! Thank you!

"Come on, Raf. Freedom awaits!" Heidi cheered as she ran through the school hallways. It was Friday and school was out for the day. Raf and Heidi had decided to have a pool day at Raf's grandma's pool. It was going to be super fun and It was the perfect day to do it. Sunny and too hot.

"Wait up! You're too fast, Heidi." Raf said, huffing as he tried to keep up. Heidi chuckled, slowing herself to be beside Raf. Raf smiled as the two resorted to speed walking instead of sprinting down the hallway.

"Sorry. I'm just so excited. I can't believe you never told me your grandma had a pool! It'll be so much better than using the local pool. Especially with Vince and his circus gang hanging there." Heidi said. Raf laughed, nodding as the two made their way outside the building. Raf's mom was already waiting for them in the car. The two quickly got in the car, closing the door before heading on their way.


It didn't take long to get there since Raf's grandma just lived a block away. Raf's mom dropped the two kids off, honking the horn before driving away. Heidi cheered, whooping loudly before dragging Raf to the doorstep. Raf rang the doorbell and a sweet elderly lady opened the door.

"Ah, Rafael! I'm so glad you're here! And you must be his, do you say... girlfriend! Yes, that's it!" Raf's Abuela said, her accent thick but still understandable. Heidi and Raf went red before Heidi burst out into laughter.

"Girlfriend? Ha! No. No, not me." Heidi said, scratching the back of her head. Raf spoke up then, quickly educating his grandma.

"Abuela, Heidi's my best friend! Not my Girlfriend!" Raf explained, embarrassed.

"Oh! Sorry, dears. My English is... not the best. Come! Let me feed your tummies before you jump into the pool!" Raf's Abuela said, leading the two inside. Raf was unsure, not as hungry but Heidi is a girl willing to eat anything at any time.


"It's fine, Raf. I was hungry anyway." Heidi said as the two sat down at the table. Raf's Abuela gave them a whole feast to munch on. Heidi happily ate everything that came onto her plate. Raf was surprised she could eat that much but His Abuela was thrilled.

"Ah, you growing girl! Good job! Would you two like dessert? I'm sure I could whip up something! Or maybe we can head to the bakery!" Raf's Abuela said. To be honest, Heidi felt full but she wasn't sure she could say no to this woman. Thankfully, Raf did it for her.

"No Gracias, Abuela! Heidi and I are gonna get changed and jump in the pool." Raf explained. Heidi nodded gratefully to Raf as Raf's Abuela smiled.

"Okay! Go have fun. I'll be in here if you need me!" Raf's Abuela said.

"Thank you for the food. It was so good!" Heidi said as Raf began to drag her out. The two ran down the hallway, heading to different rooms to get changed. Raf went to his grandma's room and changed in the bathroom there. Meanwhile, Heidi changed in the hallway bathroom.

Soon, the two left the bathroom, showing off their bathing suits. Heidi had a colorful floral two-piece bathing suit while Raf had orange swim trunks. Raf held a pair of goggles while Heidi just had her towel.

"Ready?" Heidi asked. Raf nodded and the two bolted to the backyard. Heidi opened the patio door to see the circular above-ground pool with a latter. Heidi cheered, dropping her stuff nearby before climbing the ladder.

"HA! CANNONBALL!" Heidi cheered as she jumped in. Raf laughed before joining her in the pool. Raf began slowly getting in the pool, trying not to get super-soaked yet. However, Heidi had different plans. She snuck up on him, grabbed his shoulders, and pulled him.

"WOAH!" Raf yelped, splashing into the waters. The two came above the surface after a moment, Raf coughing while Heidi laughed. Raf glared at her but after seeing her smile, couldn't help laughing too. For a while, They played games like Marco Polo or just splashed each other.

"Marco" Heidi called, her eyes shut close as she waddled around the pool. Raf giggled from the side, watching as she kept bumping into the walls. Heidi groaned as she hit yet another wall, her hands feeling around the water.

"Polo!" Raf called back. To Raf's surprise, Heidi whipped around and jumped onto him. He yelped as she got him a tight hug underwater. The two came back above as Heidi released him, laughing triumphantly.

"Got you!"

"Haha! Yeah, you did!" Raf chuckled. The two laughed a bit before a whistling caught their attention. Both turned to see Jack Darby walking past the back of the fence. He noticed them, turning to them with a smile.

"Hey, Heidi. Raf. Looks like you're having fun."

"Yeah. Lots of it! Heading to your job again I'm guessing." Heidi said. Jack nodded, holding up his bag.

"Gotta get those paychecks somehow. I just had to run home to get something. I better get going or I'll be super late. Have fun, you two!" Jack said, waving goodbye as he continued on his way. Raf and Heidi returned it, watching him leave before continuing to play. Heidi swam around, showing off her moves.

"I'm the best swimmer-" Heidi was interrupted by banging into the wall. There was the sound of cluttering as she groaned, rubbing her back. Raf went to her side, worried as she laughed awkwardly.

"Whoops, sorry!" Heidi said, scratching the back of her head. She turned around, colorful objects catching her eye in the grass. On the ground, two large water guns sat, untouched. Heidi smirked, leaning over the side and grabbing the two guns.

"Hey! Look what I found," Heidi said, showing Raf. He smiled, taking one of the water guns and filling it up. Heidi did the same, waiting until the whole thing was full. However, Before she could shoot something, a blast of water hit her shoulder. She yelped, jumping back to see Raf aiming his water gun at her. Heidi smirked, laughing as her competitive nature took over.

"Oh, it's on, Esquivel!" Heidi snapped. A large water fight ensued between the two then. They used floaties as shields or whatever they could find in the backyard. They ran around, shooting each other and laughing or jumping in the pool. This continued for a long time, longer than any of them realized. Soon, the sun was beginning to set and the evening was beginning. Raf's Abuela came out, calling out to the kids.

"Niños! It's time to head inside and get changed." Raf and Heidi stopped, groaning in disappointment. However, both complied with getting out of the water. Heidi handed Raf his towel as she dried off. Raf nodded, quickly drying off as well. Soon, both went inside and changed back into their clothes.

"Thanks for letting me come over and hang out. Heidi said, putting her hair in a small ponytail. Raf smiled, nodding as he led her out with his Abuela.

"Thanks for coming!" Raf said. Soon, they came to the front door. Raf's Abuela opened it as a red Dodge Challenger parked a house down. Heidi glanced at it, a smile coming across her face as she turned back to the Esquivels.

"Today was awesome! Thank you for letting us use your pool, ma'am." Heidi said, looking at Raf's Abuela. Raf's Abuela smiled, chuckling before giving Heidi a big hug. Heidi could barely breathe in it.

"Of course, Mija! Make sure you come again! I'd love to have you and your mom over at some time." Raf's Abuela said. Heidi laughed, nodding as the phone rang from inside. Raf's Abuela quickly left, heading to answer it. Raf stayed outside, giving Heidi her backpack.

"So, I'll see you tomorrow?" Raf asked as Heidi got a grip on her bag. Heidi smiled, nodding before running down the steps.

"Bye, Raf!" Heidi said, waving goodbye as she ran to the car. The red car happily opened his doors for her, letting her jump. Once she was in, The car then quickly took off into the streets, giving a couple of beeps to Raf as they did. Raf smiled, watching as they went out of sight. Soon, he left back inside of Abuela's house. 

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