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"So, before you start to drive, may I check your engine and papers?"
The older woman at the counter gave Chan a timid smile. "Uhm, of course." She nodded, following Chan outside the big concrete building that was standing in the sun.

Chan unlocked the car for her and stood awkwardly besides her as she opened and checked something in the engine. "It's looking good. May I see your drivers licence?" Chan pulled out his black wallet and gave her the crumbled piece of paper. The woman just gave it a quick Look and nodded. "Everything is perfect. You are free to go."
Chan didn't even bother to wish her a good day, he just closed the car door and grinned.
"Let's go."
Chans hands were sweating as he gripped the steering wheel in excitement.
Finally he was here.
Route 50 was right in front of him. As long as he could remember, Chan had dreamed of driving this route. His father had told him a lot about it, the adventures and memories that laid within.
Chan opened the car window in excitement.
The smell of warmed up asphalt, dirt and grass filled the air, making him smile.
One last time, he opened the trunk, checking if he had everything. Chan was an overthinker, and so he was very cautious about what he had packed. After all, he would be on this route for several days, with no cell phone service or police. He rummaged through the bags, making a list in his mind.
Food? Check.
Emergency kit? Check.
Blankets and pillows? Check.
Benzine? Check.
Camera? Check.
Chan sighed. I hope I have everything.
He closed the trunk with a thud and got in the car. Then he finally stated the engine. One last look at the sign "Route 50" and Chan sped away.
Let the adventure begin.

Route 50 |Chanlix Where stories live. Discover now