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Today was the day. The repair shop was right in front of Chan, as he pulled in the small parking space.
He was nervous. Nervous about Felix's decision.
Would he stay with him? Chan didn't want to let Felix go. He wanted to be with him forever. Yes, he was in love. At this point he would do anything to have Felix by his side.
Did Felix feel the same?
If Chan wasn't so shy, he would've made the first move days ago. But he didn't dare to.
How could he even have the courage to make the first move, when the person he was in love with was literally the definition of beauty?
Chan sighed, parking the car. Felix gave him a strange look, but got out of the car and unloaded his wrecked bike. Chan also opened the door and started to help Felix.
Three hours later the bike was finally ready. Felix excitedly ran over to the mechanic, thanking him. Chan had already paid and so Felix pushed his bike over to the road, putting his helmet on.
He swung one of his legs over the bike, sitting down. The engine roared up, and in the blink of an eye Felix was gone.
Chan could see him speeding down the road. His slim, yet muscular figure was almost one with the bike, like a bird. The bike got faster and faster, Felix's figure now looking like a blurred spot on the road.
Some minutes later Felix pulled up next to Chan, taking his helmet off.
"This is amazing!" He grinned, getting off the bike.
"Should we drive a bit?" Chan nodded, getting in the car.
He was trying to hold his tears back, the thought of Felix leaving being too overwhelming.
The wind was gently messing with Felix's hair. The air smelled like flowers and grass.
He turned around, looking at Chan who was leaning against the car. His facial expression was hard to describe, a mix of sadness and despair.
"Chris." Felix sighed, coming closer.
"Are you going to leave now, Felix?"
Felix sighed again.

"I think it would be better for both of us."

Felix came closer, putting both arms above the others shoulders. Chan was now trapped, looking on the ground to not start crying.
"Chris. I'm really sorry, but I just can't resist it anymore." Felix let out a shaky breath.
And then Chan felt his lips on his own.

Route 50 |Chanlix Where stories live. Discover now