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For some seconds it was quiet.

Chan was just staring at the biker, who stared right back at him. Finally, he gave in, looking down in nervousness.
He didn't quite knew how a person would react in this case. Probably not good.

"You almost killed me, you know?" The biker spoke first, his eyebrows furrowing.
"I kn- know. I am really sorry."
"As you should be." The biker crossed his arms, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "But I'm good with it, as long as you pay for the damages of my bike." He glanced outside, looking at his wrecked vehicle.
"So...you aren't going to kill me?"
"No, at least I didn't plan to. Yet."
"I am really sorry about what happened! It's my fault and-"
"Shut it. I said as long as you pay for it, I'm alright! Oh, and of course you need to drive me to the next town. It's pretty far to walk..." The biker grinned, looking at Chan.
"And you are pretty cute, you know?"

The shock on Chans face must've been very noticeable, because the biker immediately seemed to regret it. "Uhm, sorry for saying that." Now being as red as a tomato, Chan stuttered something along the lines of 'it's okay' and got out of the car.
He needed some time to think. So, he is not mad at all. That's good.
Chan sighed, opening the trunk to prepare breakfast.
And I'll take him to the next town. That and the damage pay for the bike. That's it, Chris. No need to be that nervous. He seems like a nice guy. He opened the packet of dry pancake mix, putting in a small bowl. Then he added some water, mixing the batter.
While doing this, Chans eyes wandered through the beautiful landscape.

The mountains were looking like piles of molten gold in the gentle morning sun, the air was crisp and clear.
There were absolutely no sounds except for the wind. Chan already was excited to take some majestic photos here.
Some minutes later Chan could hear a car door opening and the biker got out and stretched. He was still wearing Chans hoodie. Then he walked over to his bike and kneeled in front of it, checking the scratches. He sighed, now looking at Chan who was preparing pancakes. "By the way, what's your name?" The biker looked at Chan with a genuine smile. "I'm Chan. And you?"

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