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Long chapter :3

Yes, Chris was staring at Felix as the other one changed in the car.
He tried not to but he couldn't help his mind and imagination run wild. But he didn't dare to make the first move. Gosh, I am such a child. Chan frowned, finally turning away trying to calm his mind down.
Behind him there was a car door slamming shut and light steps coming in his direction. Suddenly Felix wrapped his two arms around him, giggling. "I saw you staring, my love~" Chan didn't even try to deny the statement, he just turned a shade redder.
"Why are you embarrassed?" Felix whispered in his ear.
Chan could feel his breath tickling his neck. Felix chuckled, peeking out of Chans back to see his face. Then he smirked, took his hand and dragged Chan to the car.
"Relax." The others fingertips felt unfamiliar against Chans body. Felix was sitting on top of him, pressing Chans hands down onto the seat, trapping him. Suddenly Felix bend down, leaving featherlight kisses against Chans jawline. Chans eyes closed, he was drowning in the tingling sensation that his whole body was feeling. Felix's lips slowly trailed down to his neck and then his chest. Teasing the other one, he slowly lifted the black shirt Chan was wearing, leaving a trail of kisses down his upper body.

Chan panted. His whole body was burning up. Hearing this, Felix started to smirk, bringing their faces closer together. "I knew that you were a bottom." Chan opened his eyes again, getting red. At the sight of the other male sitting on top of him, already shirtless, with messy hair and pink, soft lips he buried his face in his hands. Felix gave him a slightly worried look.
"Hey, Babe. If you don't want to do this, we won't." He gently took Chans hands away. "I know that this is new for you."
"Uhm, no,no it's okay! I-" he looked away. "Felix, I trust you."
Felix gave him a smile, leaning in closer until their faces were only inches away from each others. "That's...good." He chuckled. And then their lips met in a passionate kiss.
"Just wait till I catch you!" Felix stuck his tongue out and started to charge towards Chris, who ran away in response.

The water splashed up, creating a rainbow in the air. Suddenly someone tackled Chan from behind with a loud "ATTACK!" scream, making him fall over head-first, laughing. But he quickly got up, chasing Felix again until the two were out of breath.
"I love you so,so,so,so much." Felix rubbed his nose against Chans neck, who kissed him in response.
To say that he was happy now was an understatement. He was levitating on cloud 9.
"I love you too, Lix."

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