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To say that Felix was a bad kisser, was a huge lie. Chan felt the butterflies in his stomach explode into fireworks of feelings. His heart was pounding, as his and Felix's lips moved in sync.

"You didn't pull away." Felix distanced himself, making their noses slightly touch.
Chan was too stunned to speak, he was just staring at the beautiful male in front on him, afraid to ruin the moment with his stuttering.

"Chan, I really don't know if you feel the same. I just couldn't resist anymore." He paused, taking a deep breath. "Chris? Please answer me."
But Chan stayed silent, looking away.
The birds around them were chirping, the grass gently swaying in the wind.
Tears started to form in Felix's eyes, he took a step back. "Fuck. Why do I always make these mistakes?!" He whispered.
"Felix. W-why? Why did you do this?"
Felix looked up, his eyes red with tears streaming down his face.
"Because I love you, Chan. And I don't care if it's a fucking mistake. I can't change my feelings." He sniffled, sinking to the ground next to the bike. Chan came closer, sitting next to him.
"I don't really know how to explain this, Lix." Felix looked up at him, anticipating him to talk on.
"It's just that... I have never been in a real relationship before."
"I know, it's unusual. But I just never...had the courage to tell my family that I'm gay. They were always telling me about other girls. And I never told them about my sexuality."

Chan sighed. "And Felix...I like you too. I am such a coward for not telling you before."
Felix looked up at him, wiping his eyes. Chan pulled him up, embracing the others body in a warm, protecting hug.
"I thought that I made a giant mistake, Chris. I really like you." Felix sniffled.
"To be honest, I thought that you were cute from the beginning on. On that evening, with the bike."
"Whipped from the beginning." Felix chuckled, looking up.
He put his hands on Chans face, looking into his eyes. In response, Chan got red. He didn't knew yet how to act around someone you really liked, especially a male.

"You are cute when you are red."

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