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"Hey babe." A gentle voice tore Chan out of his dream-like state. He opened his eyes.
The dark sky above him was gone, replaced with a bright white one. He looked around. There was nothing but a white, endless room around him. No trees, no people. Not even a cloud.
"Look at me."

The voice was here again.
Chan turned his head around, completely irritated. And then he saw it.
A white figure. Levitating behind him.
She had wings. Wait...wings? Chan rubbed his eyes.
Where the hell was he?
"Don't be scared, it's okay." The light that the person was excluding slowly disappeared. And now chan could see her face.
Golden hair.
Felix was here.
"What?!" Chans voice was hoarse. "Felix? Wait wha-" Felix came closer, taking Chans hands in his own.
He flinched at the touch, tears in his eyes.
"Yes, it's me. Chris I need you to listen, okay?"
Chan hastily nodded.
"I am dead. I don't know why I got the chance to see you but I'm so glad I have it. So please, don't blame yourself for this. It is not your fault, my love." Felix gently ran his fingers over his cheek.
Chan leaned into the touch.
"Even though I'm gone, please live a good life without me. I love you."
Chans lower lip was trembling as he pressed his body against Felix's.
"I don't want you to leave. Please, Lix, stay with me."

"I can't. We'll see each other again. I believe in you. You got this, baby."
Chan felt Felix's lips on his own.

Then the others figure started to fade, disappearing like morning fog in the sun.
Chan took a shuddering breath. His legs were trembling.
Suddenly the white room around him faded, leaving him standing on the empty runway where he broke down yesterday.
The sun was slowly rising, leaving the landscape around him in golden light.
Chan took a deep breath. The weight on his chest slowly started to disappear. Felix was not blaming him. He would manage.
Alone, like in the first days on Route 50.
Even without the love of his life.

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