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The airport around them was busy. People were shouting, crying, laughing and waving.
But amid all that chaos, two figures were standing still.
Felix and Chan. The last day.
For weeks Chan had pushed this though away but now it was real. Him and Felix were standing next to each other, holding hands. Felix's tiny one in his big palm.
"So...I guess that's the last day." Felix's lower lip was trembling as he spoke.

"Mhm." Chan let out a deep breath. His flight would depart in two hours, Felix's one in twenty minutes. Their ways would part again. Felix would fly back to Australia and Chan back to Korea to finish his photography course.

"Flight 021 to Sydney is leaving in ten minutes. I repeat: Flight 021 to Sydney is leaving in Ten minutes." The monotone speaker voice announced.
Chan looked at Felix.
Suddenly the other one pulled him into a hug, sobbing onto his shoulder.
"It's okay, Lix."
"Shut up, it's not. I don't want to leave you!"
"You can come visit me, okay? And I'll move back as soon as I finish the course."
Felix looked up at him with a slight smile, eyes still red. Chan felt his eyes starting to water too and looked at the ceiling to prevent them from spilling over.
"Y-you should go."
Felix brought his face closer and their lips met. Chan could taste his salty tears.

Suddenly Felix pulled away, harshly gripping his suitcase and taking a step back.
"I love you, Chris. More then I will ever love someone else."
Chan just stood there, being too overwhelmed with his own feelings. The ceiling lights seemed too bright, the people too loud. Felix gave him a sad smile and started to walk towards his gate.
His slim figure started to disappear behind the people.
And suddenly Chan let out a scream, running after him. The gate was already closing. A stewardess wanted to hold him back but Chan ducked under her arm and ran along the metal corridor to the plane.

The addressed one turned around, a shocked expression on his face. Chan ran closer and hugged him one last time before the stewardess came.
"I love you too, Felix. And I will, forever."

A/N: so... this book is almost finished. And I have a question (my indecisive ass can't decide)
What would be better? A happy ending or a sad one?

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