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Chan drove the car to the side of the road, putting it in parking mode. He would stay here for the night. His clothes were sticking to him, and so he took off his shirt, putting on a dry one.
Raindrops were still falling from the sky, it was dark outside. Chan was sitting in the drivers seat, knees brought up to his chest. Why the fuck did I not pay attention to the road? If he broke some bones, it's my fault. And what if he is dead? No, that's not going to happen.
He sighed, grabbing a pillow and looking back. The biker was still unconscious, but he wasn't shivering anymore. His blonde hair was slightly falling onto his face, the strands of it moving while he breathed. Chan shut off the car lights, made sure thar the car door was locked and closed his eyes.
The sun shining through the car windows woke him up. Chan yawned, scratched his arm and stretched. The rain had finally stopped and now he could finally see the whole road, and the crashed bike.
He frowned, looking back, where the biker was laying.

But he was met with a pair of dark brown, very angry eyes.

Route 50 |Chanlix Where stories live. Discover now