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"Chris..." Felix's voice was almost a whisper, but loud enough for Chan to hear it. He opened his eyes, turning around to the backseat. Felix was looking at him, eyes half closed. "My head really hurts... I feel dizzy..." he whispered. Chan reached out with his hand and touched Felix's forehead. It was piping hot and clammy.
"What the...? Felix, how do you feel exactly?"
"My head hurts. I'm hot. And dizzy"
Chan threw open the car door. The trunk creaked as he opened it, searching for the first aid kit.
The bright orange bag was buried deep under all the kitchen utensils and clothes, but Chan found it and rushed back to Felix.
He pulled out a small book out of the first aid kit. "Symptoms: headache, dizziness and sweating." He repeated again and again.
It got silent in the car, until Chan suddenly sighed in relief.
"Felix, did you drink enough yesterday? I mean, when we were hiking."
"I dunno" Felix's speech was slightly slurred.
"Cmon, answer me."
"I don't think so... I forgot to drink..."
Chan sighed with a small smile.
"You just have heat exhaustion, Felix. Drink more the next time, okay?"
"M' sorry"
"It's okay. Try to sleep now."
Felix closed his eyes, while Chan wetted a cloth and put in on the sleeping males head. With slightly trembling fingers Chan also unzipped the hoodie, trying not to stare at his toned stomach. Then he opened the car door to let the fresh morning wind in.
Felix had almost slept the entire day, only waking up in the evening. Chan heard huffing from the car and laid the book that he was reading away. Felix was sitting upright, reaching out for the water bottle that was next to him. "Can you please give it to me?"
Chan chuckled. "Oh, you need help with that?"
"Shut up." Felix gave him a grumpy look, pouting, as he reached out for the bottle again. Finally he grabbed it and started drinking. "How do you feel, Felix?"
"Better." Felix screwed the bottle shut. "What time is it?"
"It's 19:45. You slept the whole day."
"Mhm." Felix pointed over to the boom that Chan read before. "What book is this?" "It's Lord of the Rings. Do you know it?"
"Naur." Felix shrugged.
"Should I read it it aloud for you?"
"Yes! I mean, yes please."
Chan smiled, grabbing the book and sitting next to Felix on the backseat. Felix laid back down, resting his head on Chans lap. The latter froze at such a sudden touch. But Felix seemed comfortable, and so he opened the book and started reading.

"When Mr Bilbo Baggins of Bag End announced that he would shortly be celebrating his eleventy-first birthday with a party of special magnificence, there was much talk and excitement in Hobbiton..."

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