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"The sky is beautiful today. I love the stars." Felix yawned, looking up. He and Chan were laying next to the car, the dark sky stretching over them. They had some blankets and pillows on the ground. It was warm. Some crickets were chirping in the long grass along the road.
"What do you fear the most?"
Chan exhaled at the unusual question.
"I think for me its... having no friends or relationships. I'm kinda introverted. Some friends have already turned away from me, because I was too boring for them."

"You are not boring at all! You just need to get out of your comfort zone a bit more."

Chan sighed. "I know, Felix. But sometimes I don't really want to. Introvert problems. And what's your biggest fear?"

"Breaking apart. Breaking apart, while friends and family don't notice it. They are just used to seeing the happy, bubbly person. They-" Felix exhaled.
"It sounds like you speak from experience."
"Felix." The addressed one turned his head around. "I just want you to know that no matter what bothers you, you can tell it to me."
Felix gave him a grateful smile.
"And you can do the same."
Just now, Chan noticed how close he and Felix were laying. He could slightly feel the others breath on his arm. Luckily, it was dark enough for Felix not to notice Chan getting red. Felix yawned again. Then he put an arm around Chan, pulling himself closer.
"I think you like skinship."
"I do, Chris. And there is no way you can escape it." Felix giggled.
"I saw you getting red~"
"You did not!"
"You are cute, Chan."
"I hit you with my damn car, Felix."
"And still you are cute. Stop denying it, you bottom."
Chan got red again, burying his face in his hands.
"Good night!" Felix closed his eyes, leaning his forehead against the others shoulder.
"Felix! What do you think about over there?" Chan pointed at a big rock formation not far away. "Uhhh, okay! It's up to you." Chan nodded, pulling his camera out. The evening sun was casting golden lights on the rocky ground, making everything seem surreal. Perfect for some pictures. Chan positioned himself a bit more left. Then he kneeled down, lifting the black camera to his face. "Felix, look at this!" Felix came closer, looking at the display. "Chris, that's amazing! I really like the picture!"
"Thank you."
Chan looked at the display again. In his opinion, something was missing. Felix must've had the same thought as him because he looked at Chan with a grin.

"Chris, would you mind taking some pictures of me?"

Route 50 |Chanlix Where stories live. Discover now