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"Chris! Come on!" Felix threw his shoes off, running in the direction of the crystal-clear lake.
The water splashed everywhere, as he jumped in. Chan could hear him laughing and snorting as water splashed in his face.

He was glad that Felix felt better than yesterday. The thought of him lying ill was unbearable for Chan.

"Are you coming or not? I hope you know how to swim!" Felix cheered him on from the water, as Chan put the bag on the sand and jumped in the lake. The water was surprisingly warm.
Chan took a couple of deep breaths and submerged. The water was rustling in his ears. From underwater he could see the rocky bottom of the lake, some small fish, as well as kelp.
But wait- where was Felix?

Chan lifted his head, wiping the wet hair out of his eyes. He looked around. Felix was nowhere to be seen.
Suddenly he heard a voice shout: "Chris, I'm here!" He turned around, seeing Felix glide towards him. It looked like he was standing on the water.
But as he came closer Chan could see the paddle board underneath him. "What- Where? Huh? Where did you get that from?" Felix gave no answer, he just smirked. "Cmon, get up here!" Chan swam closer, putting his hands on the board. It swayed dangerously, but didn't flip over. Felix held his hand closer and Chan lifted himself up on the board.
"Put your hands on my waist."
"You heard me." Felix have him a cheeky smile. "I don't want you falling down."
Slowly, Chan directed his hands onto Felix's waist. Both of them had a swimming shirt on, but his face still got red.

Felix grabbed the paddle and started to row. The paddle board was gently swaying, the summer wind coming from behind. Birds were chirping and far away, some kids were playing on the sand. Small ripples were seen on the water. Suddenly Felix bumped against something with his paddle and the board almost flipped.
"Felix, I hope you know how to steer this thing!"
"I have done paddleboarding since I was seven! I know how to do it. By the way, can you move your arms up a bit? It's uncomfortable."
Chan bit his lower lip, trying not to chuckle. This whole situation was so awkward for him.
Felix, on the other hand, seemed to enjoy skinship. Now Chan moved his hands around the others shoulders. He could feel Felix's heartbeat going steadily and slowly relaxed.
"Felix, put on a cap! I don't want you getting a sunstroke again!" The addressed one was sitting on the paddleboard, while Chan was laying on the sand.
"Since when do bottoms give commands?"
Chan snorted at the remark of Felix, his head now having the same shade as a tomato.
"I'm not a bottom!"
"Are you sure, Channie?"
"Why do you know my nickname?"
"I know many things. And of of them is you being a bottom!" Felix grinned.
But after a while he still got up, swam ashore and put on a green cap. "But thank you for reminding me!"

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