Chapter 7

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'Bring a roasted pig to Prince Aemond, a bit extra spiced. My mother has given me the order on the morrow though with every that has happened, it simply slipped my mind.' Visenya sighed, feigning stress as she turned her eyes towards the maidservant once more. 'You wouldn't mind, would you?'

The maid licked her lips nervously as if to argue with her statement, something that she had been doing already for the past few minutes though at the mention of Princess Rhaenyra, it seemed she had finally given in.

'Of course, Princess.'

Visenya smiled, watching as the maidservant quickly scurried away before finally turning from the halls and walking towards the stairs.

'You took your time, sister.' Jace smiled obliviously, his voice ringing in the empty castle as he waited for her at the bottom of the staircase.

Visenya took his arm upon arrival, a small sigh leaving her lips. 'Can you blame me? If not for the King's command I would rather dine in the comfort of my chambers.'

'That-' Jace pointed out, leaning down to press a kiss on her temple. 'Is why you do not have any friends.'

'I have a dragon.'

Jace merely laughed, guiding her down the castle they turned into the dinging hall as maidservants rushed past them with trays in their hands, eager to finish their preparation.

The lavish dining hall was bathed in flickering candlelight. The long table adorned with an array of delicacies fit for a House of Dragons. Servants dressed in fine attire flocked to the table to ensure absolute perfection.

Visenya untangled her arm from her brother, letting him greet his betrothed with a shy smile and a polite bow before she made her way to one end of the table, the seat between her mother and her cousin, Rhaena.

'You look lovely this evening, Visenya.' Rhaena spoke, a smile on her face in which Visenya return.

'As do you.'

The two were never close enough to be called friends, though whenever a problem had arrived they would be there to help each other. Like the time where Rhaena had unexpected flowered as they had returned on dragon back. Visenya had given her cousin her coat, sneaking her through the castle's secret passageways (in which only she had known) before personally alerting her maids.

They had become a bit closer then, enjoying rides and walks whenever they felt the need to escape from the men in their household. The two may not be the best of friends, but they had a bond no one in the family could replace.

Visenya had only gotten comfortable in her seat before the back of her neck tickled in warning. Suppressing the need to shiver she casted her glance forward and came face to face with the One Eyed Prince.

Her uncle had sat right across from her, eyes trained on her every move as he offered his brother short replies to whatever Aegon had been saying. Now, with many eyes trained on them she was the first to avert his gaze, turning to engage in a conversation with Baela instead.

'Congratulations on your engagement, cousin. You two will make a lovely pair.'

Baela beamed at her words, a faint blush dusting the apple of her cheeks as she turned away from Jace's constant stare. The two shared a shy smile.

'Thank you, Visenya. I would not have chosen a better sister in law if I do say so myself.'

'Hear that, Jace?' Visenya turned her eyes towards a blushing Jace. 'She prefers me.'

The three girls broke into laughter at the playful remark in which Jace rolled his eyes, already used to his sister's tactics.

'Do let me have the spotlight today, sister. It is my betrothal.'

The Serpent's Fangs (Aemond x oc)Where stories live. Discover now