Chapter 18

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Before the war started.

It was the day before the Grand Feast, the day before all hopes between having their families reunited was crumbled to pieces.

"To your left." Halaena had whispered to her as they both dance around the empty ballroom. The princess, following her Aunt's words immediately swayed slightly to the left, shifting her footing to keep up with the instruments being plaid in the background.

With a quick glance backwards Visenya made sure Madam Promfrey did not catch onto her tiny mistake. The madam instead nodded, eyes squinted as she watched the two young ladies swiftly move across the floor, counting their steps under her breath.

"Wonderful, Visenya!" The Madam called out, a smile clear in her voice. "The two of you strengthen your arms! One must never let their limbs fall limp amongst the dance floor."

Immediately, both Halaena and Visenya held their arms higher towards their head level, hands still clasped in each other's grasps. The two princesses shared a smile as they flowed along with the instrument, skirts twirling around them like the blooming pedals of a flower.

Halaena had worn one of her white gowns to the lesson, its lines adorned with gold that shimmered against the sunlight. Her hair was braided beautifully into a crown, with the lower half flowing down her back freely against the slight wind.

Visenya, on the other hand, wore a dark red gown that flowed freely around her. It's lines adorned with a matching gold. Unlike Halaena her dark curly hair was braided from the top, broken into two down her head where the braid mixed into the lower part of her hair that was let loose, resembling that of a dragon's horns.

The two complimented each other beautifully down to the way they flowed through the almost empty ballroom, their beauty though drastically different was unmatched amongst the lands, resembling that of their mothers.

The music slowed and so did Visenya, softening her steps while Halaena followed suit. It wasn't until the music came to a complete halt, with the two princesses holding each other's hands, smiling from ear to ear did the Madam burst into a round of applause.

"Flawless!" She hollered, voice echoing down the hall. The Madam walked closer towards the two, both of her hands clasped in front of her. "There were no need for your mother to concern herself with such matters, princess.'' She started, addressing Visenya. "You dance just as beautifully as your Aunt."

Pride bursts through her chest and with gentle hands lifting the sides of her gown Visenya curtseyed slightly, showing her gratitude towards the experienced woman before her. "Your compliments brings me much joy, Madam."

The woman smiled back, lifting her head higher as she began to address the two young princesses. "Now, that will be all for today. I expect the both of you back in this ballroom on the morrow." She nodded sternly. "Some rest will do those sore ankles good."

Halaena gave a short curtseyed towards the woman before turning back towards the other princess with a gentle expression on her face no other Targaryen could muster. "I must attend to my husband." The young lady spoke, clasping her hands in front of her. Visenya reached out to take her hands, a small frown on her face.

"Surely he could do one meal without you?"

Halaena gave her a small smile. "It isn't the meal that requires my presence."

Visenya waited until her Aunt's smile dropped subtly.

"He gets drunk, most of the time and if I am not there I am afraid he might hurt himself-"

"Has he laid a hand on you?" Visenya cut through, the hold on Halaena's hand tightening ever so slightly.

Her Aunt shook her head softly, thumb rubbing on the back of the Princess's hand. "Do not worry, Visenya. I am not hurt."

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