chapter four

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"Okay... so why are we at jjs?" I ask pope as he quickly walks around jjs yard. "Pope?!" I call out as he walks in a fast pace. I then hear a gun shot and see jj shooting a teddy bear. I slowly made my way over while pope was calling out jjs name.

"They know." Pope says after he catches jjs attention. "Who knows what?" I ask. Jjs eyes quickly dart on me then back to pope. "Hey! Shut it, pope." Jj whispers loudly as he walks over to pope. "They don't know shit." Jj whispers again. "I can hear you." I say. They blatantly ignore me and keep going.

"What's going on?!" I shout. "Topper knows I sunk his boat!" He shouts then quickly realises. As does jj, jjs face goes blank as does popes... as does mine.

"You what! Jj what the fuck!?" I shout. "It was pope!" Jj shouts back. "Obviously you made him! He wouldn't just do it!" I keep shouting. "See that's why we didn't tell you! Your so dramatic! All you do is care about kooks! What about us?!" He shouts back, the gun still in his hand. "Great question. Who's side are you on, Vienna?" Jj asks, pointing the gun towards my chest without noticing, safety off.

I then look at him in disgust, shock even. He then realised what he was doing. I slowly back up then leave.

I know jj would never hurt me but no one wants a gun pointed to them. Especially by the only person who makes them feel safe.


I wake up to knocking at my door. Jj wasn't here, pope wasn't here and neither was my brother. I was alone, lonely. I walk over to the front door and to my suprise was Sarah with a big smile on my face. A smile that put a smile on my face.

"You look rough..." she giggles. "Thanks. What's that you got there?" I ask as she follows me into my room with a fancy bag. "A dress." She smirks. "For who and for what...?" I question. "For you and for tonight." She keeps the smirk on her face. "What's tonight?" I ask. "Midsummer!" She shouts. "Jesus, okay! Wait... no!" I shout back. "Yes! Your my plus one!" She giggles. "I gotta go though. I'm walking out with my family. Be there, okay? The country club. Five." She says again before walking out and driving off.

I walk into my room and look into the bag. I pull out a long, black, silk dress and a black flower crown. I gasp as I look at the stunning gown. "Shit." I whisper to myself.

I later dress into the gown and do my makeup and hair. I wear eyeliner and mascara with a nude lipstick and I do nice neat curls in my hair. I then make my way to the country club and I sigh before walking in.

I walk in and look around for a little then I see pope, working on something in the distance. I put on a smile and walk down.

"Excuse me, sir. Do we have to shuck these ourselves? Cause it might mess up my costume?" I mock a British accent and giggle as he turns around confused. "We wouldn't want that now, would we?" Pope says as he also mocks an accent. "That accent was bad." He then says. "It was. I was gonna let it go." I sigh as I look at our surroundings.

"Ever seen this many looks in one place?" I sigh. "Yeah. Last year." He chuckles. "Hey, have you heard from jj?" He then asks. "No, we haven't spoke from... yk. Why?" I then ask. "He took the fall for me. He got arrested." Pope states. "What?! Is he... okay?! What happened?!" I ask as I get worried. Very worried. I know what his dad is like... I don't know much but I know enough.

I then spot Sarah and I hang out with her until it darkens. Letting pope get back to work. We drink, party, dance and have fun. It was a good night.

I was leaving the bar until I suddenly saw a boy, in a tux, light blonde hair. He slowly turns around.
Jj maybank. His ocean eyes quickly looked me up and down, in shock. A smile slowly grew on my face, as one grew on mine. He then puts down the tray he was holding and we walk, maybe even run into eachothers arms.

"Oh my god. Hi." I gasp as he's still holding me, tight. I slowly pull away as my eyes gaze his face. Cuts and bruises all around it. "oh my.. jj." I stroke my finger across his face. I knew what happened, so I didn't ask.

His eyes then gaze upon me, again. "You look... you... woah. You look nice." He slightly smiles. "Thank you." I smile back.

He then quickly clears his throat and snaps out of his trance. "Your brother is macking on Sarah." He states. "What!" I shout. "Yeah." He chuckles before taking my hand.

He leads me away from the club and brings me down to the beach. We both lay down on the sand, beside eachother. He then whips out a large bottle of vodka as I let out a laugh.

And before we knew it, we were drunk. Very drunk.

I was laying down, head on jjs chest, looking up at the sky while he ran his fingers through my hair.

"I think I might be in love with you." He randomly admits.

"I think you might be drunk." I reply.

"Drunk words are sober thoughts." He mocks.

"Yeah... I might be in love with you too." I sigh.

"Too bad I won't remember this tomorrow." He whispers.

"Yeah, too bad." I whisper back.

Oh boy was he wrong.

SUN KISSED // JJ MAYBANK.Where stories live. Discover now