"the hell do you mean the twinkies flooding?" I hear jj tiredly ask on his phone. "what." I laugh. "Yeah, we gotta go, they got stuck in a tide." Jj giggles.
I throw on a pair of jeans, a t shirt, a jacket and shoes and walk out with jj.
"First of all, where are we going?" I ask him as he's putting his helmet on my head. "My dads... to get a winch, but he's in jail. It's fine." He states. "Right." I sigh. "Wait, how are we gonna get there." Jj asks. "Obviously, Sarah's car... that better have fuel." I say as I get in the car and turn it on. "Thank god." We both sigh of relief before making our way to his dads.
"This will only take a sec, I think it's over in the surf shack. Yeah! It's in the surf shack. I'll be right back." Jj gets really excited before jumping out of the car and beginning to run over. As he's running he trips over and falls.
I start laughing as I hear him shout again.
"I'm okay!"It takes him awhile to get the stuff then he slowly walks out with his dad.
"What the frick? No. Immediately, no." I state as I get out of the car. "No. No, I know. Just get in the truck." Jj points. "What is this? I'm sorry. The twinkies drowning right now, jayj. What is the plan? What is this?" I ask, slightly raising my voice.
Jj then grabs my shoulders and pushes me up against the car. "Just listen to me. Listen to me, okay? I need to get into the marina at the island club. There's a boat there he can take. You got the sticker on your truck. Twenty minutes, that's all I need." He sighs.
"The twinkies gonna be a submarine in twenty minutes!" I shout over as jj is about to get in the car. "I know, vi." Jj groans. "Leave him, and we can come back!" I shout again.
"The cops are after him!" Jj shouts. "I do this now, maybe I will never have to do it again." He says more quietly.
I sigh as we both get in the car. "Don't look at me." I say as I see Luke glancing at me.
We stop off at a store and Luke lists a whole lot of things he wants and jj leaves me alone with Luke in the car.
Luke keeps drumming on the seat to try get a reaction out of me, and trust me, he did.
"Your a terrible father, did you know that?" I say in a snarky attitude.
"Yeah, preach it to me. Set me straight." Luke laughs.
"Do you have any idea how special your son is? Even a clue?" I then say.
"He's a thief is what he is."
"Then what are you?" I scoff.
"Your just a wasted local salt who never did shit but get messed up and hustle people. Not exactly impressive." I smirk.
"You know, you sound just like your mama. She was just like that in high school. Always thought she was better than everybody else. Pogue princess. You know, I bet you're a lot like your mama. Slumming with the bad boys. Are you an ungrateful shit like she was? I bet you are. Miss from the cut, hopping up there on your high horse, riding around in other peoples car." He chuckles before I elbow him in the face.
"Don't talk about my family." I say before jj gets in the car.
We finally make it to the docks and jj and his dad get out.
"did you have to do that? Did you have to go after her like that?" I ask my dad as I put some of his groceries away.
"I told her the truth. She didn't like it."
"Everything. Everything I have, you fucking ruin."
"I don't try to. Just happens naturally."
"You got money for gas, right?" I ask him.
"What do you think?" He chuckles.
I pull out twenty dollars from my wallet.
"Dad." I wave the money at him and put it on the counter before trying to walk out.
He walks over and grabs my head. "Hey. Come here, son. Come here."
"I know I could've been a better dad."
"I hadn't exactly been perfect either."
"Well, hey, perfect don't matter. You got a good heart. No, no. Come on. Can't let it end like this. I'm going to yucatan. I might never be coming back. It'll all work out."
"No, it's not. But maybe in the next life." I start to tear up.
"Come on, j. Don't be like that." My dad says before pulling me in for a hug.
"Take care, dad. Okay?" I say as tears start to fall.
I walk off the boat and onto the dock and I start to untie the boat.
The flashbacks of all the shit my dads done to me, floods back. I start to slowly sob.
I watch him drive the boat away, before turning around. I'm then met with Viennas beautiful face that brings me comfort.
I wrap my arm around her and she wraps hers around me before we walk off the dock together.
'your my first.
and I don't mean my first kiss,
or my first relationship,
or my first I love you.your the first person
who makes me feel like I'm enough
and the first one to show me
what I love you actually means.'- Bella karad.