chapter thirty one

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mild smut warning at the end


we all stare at the amulet

"where the living and dead collide, the gatekeeper will guide the way" john b quotes from the weird necklace thing.

jj comes walk in with wet hair and a towel around his neck

he walks over and kisses my head before wrapping his arms around me as he listens to the others

"sounds like a bible verse" sarah spits out

"to me, it still sounds like directions." john b shrugs before jj takes the necklace into his hand

"yeah, but to what?" i ask

"well, i mean.. genrette was obsessed with blackbeard, so maybe directions to his funeral?"

"and how much would that be in american?" jj asks, meaning money.. obviously.

"um, in almost every major currency, i think it's considered priceless. unlimited US dollars." john b looks at jj

jj nods

"tempting" jj mutters

"so what is this treasure? gold?" i ask

"no, wait a minute. i remember on the pier, the diver was talking to some lady about something. it wasn't gold. it was like a.. like a.. a crown. a blue crown." pope explained

"a crown? a blue crown, pope?" jj scoffs as he drinks a beer

as jj drunk the beer i couldn't help but let my glare linger on him a little longer than it should've. but when his eyes connected with mine i immediately looked away.

"i don't know im just relaying information i heard." pope shrugs

"okay, no.. wait a minute." i stand up and i head to my dads book shelf and i rummage through it

john b walks over

"i know exactly..." he grabs the book we were looking for "what you're look for" he smirks as he passes it to me

twin telepathy or something?

"apparently, it is the most sought out artifact in the ancient world." i read from the book

"what?" jj asks

i show them the book i was holding

"i don't believe i am capping on this one, pope." john b sighs

"mhm, im interested." jj walks over to us as i sprawl the book out on the seat and we all look

"right here." i point at a passage

"legends abound of the crowns fabled origins." pope reads

"so it's a real crown." sarah mutters

"okay, page... right here. look."

"that's what genrette wanted." jj points out

"that's a literal blue crown" i mutter

"listen, listen. the blue crown was created for Darius the great of persia over 3000 years ago." john b reads

"looks more than 50k to me, i'll say that." jj put out

"it was said to possess the blessing of the gods themselves, granting the wearer immense favor and rare invincibility.." i read

"hey, look. it says xerxes, the son of darius the great, he was a badass. he's wearing it." john b reads

"uh, didn't that one guy... uh.. alexander the great... beat the shout out of everybody. he's wearing it. and.. julius caeser, also a badass. murdered a bunch of people." i chime in

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