chapter six

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"did you bring the gun?!" John b asks jj as we are being pulled over in the middle of no where. "No, okay? Everyone told me to leave it back at the place." Jj sighs. "Thank god." I roll my eyes. "How much weed do you have on you bro?" I laugh as I ask jj as he's shoving everything under his chair.

As we were all yapping about jj mucking about, a gun gets shoved in John bs face. We all froze. "Why don't you just put your hands in the air?" The man states. We were all still frozen up. "All of y'all hands in the air!" He then shouts. I jump to the sound of him shouting then my hands shoot up, as does everyone else's.

"You, out of the car, let's go." He aims at John b. John b slowly gets out and let's us out, and the masked man forces us to lay down in the ditch. The man takes out money and tries to dip, John b didn't back down though. John b put up a fight, and we all jumped in.

"We got one last stop." Jj states as he walks back over to the Twinkie with Barry, the drug dealer, also the masked robbers id card.

We pull up at Barry's and I take a look around and sigh. "Welcome to crackhead wasteland." Sarah scoffs.

Jj then jumps out of the van, and into Barry's. "Someone should..." I say. "Yeah I got it." John b sighs as he walks after jj.

After a while they come rocking out again, jj with a bag this time. "So that's what we're doing now? Robbing drug dealers?" I ask, concerned. "This Barry guy is gonna find us." Sarah then says. 

"How you like getting a gun pulled on ya?" Jj asks us all. I scoff at this question, considering not too long ago he had one pointed at me. Jj looks over at me and rolls his eyes. "What, Vienna? Literally what?" Jj asks. "What's wrong with you? Go put the money back, and we can get the fuck out of here." I state.

"Okay, Mrs know it all. You need to think-" jj goes on before john b cuts him off. "Calm down." John b gets in his face. "He had it right up here on you, bro." Jj points in john bs face. "Look! Jj! Vienna literally nearly broke her back like 2 days ago! We need to chill out!" John b shouts at jj. Jj then looks back at me then let's out a sigh.

As jj was looking over at me, john b snatches the bag off jj and jj then quickly pins him up against the Twinkie. "You feel like a tough guy? Huh?" John b snarks. "You think you are gonna solve everything by being tough guy. What about topper? Huh? You said you'd get revenge for vi, you never did. And what if Barry comes for us? What you gonna do?" John b goes on.  "Punch him in the throat." Jj snarks back.

"Yeah, good fucking idea, jj." John b scoffs. "Fine, if it's such a pisstake of an idea then I'll do it myself." Jj sighs. "Actually, that's exactly what I'll do. Go off by myself." Jj sarcastically smiles, takes the bag off John b and walks off.

"jj!" I shout over. He looks back for a second then makes his way again. "Just let him go." Sarah says to me.

But I can't. But I have to.


me and John b had just dropped Sarah and pope home and we were just making our way home. Until we heard a bike following up to us.

"That's rafe!" I shout as I realise.

Rafe then pulls out infront of the van. John b is about to get out until I get out instead. I was angry about jj leaving. So I had to take my anger out.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" I shout as I walk over. "There she is! Little miss perfect!" He shouts over at me. "Hello? Are you high?" I wave my hand in his face. He then slaps my hand down.

He then goes on yapping about how we robbed Barry and how I used to be way better, kinder, politer when I hung out with kooks.

"Fuck you rafe." I spit at him before turning around to walk away. Until I saw topper talking to my brother. Shit. I walk over with a cold look on my face.

"Here to try kill me again, top?" I ask him. "Always the kooks fault." He laughs. "Well who else's fault is it?!" I scoff. He then gets back on his bike and starts it, before driving away he says something else. "Your better than this, Vienna." Topper says before driving away with rafe.

Me and John b make our way home.

We both hung out for a while until... "Sarah wants to meet me at hers, is that okay?" John b asks as he was about to walk out the door. "Yeah just... wear protection." I laugh before he rolls his eyes and walks out.

an hour later.

I walk out of my room, into the living room to grab my phone charger... until a load of lights turn on in the front porch. I walk out and around the corner to see a hot top, all lit up and a jj maybank along with the hot tub. Holding a larger bottle of wine.

"Hi gorgeous!" He shouts. I just look at him in confusion. "Get in! It's great in here." He laughs. "jj, are you drunk? What the hell?" "A little." He laughs. "How... what?" I ask. "I bought it!" He smiles. "How much?" I ask. "All of it." He sighs. "All of it?! In one day?!" I asked, shocked. "Yeah, things ain't cheap now... and well, I had the money and I've nothing to loose... but who cares! Enough of the emo shit, Just get in the cats ass!" He shouts again. "The cats ass?" I question. "Yeah, that's what I called her." He laughs.

"Oh! Hey! I almost forgot. Disco mode!" He smiles proudly as lights start flashing. "Are you kidding me? You could've payed for restitution! Or bought a fucking house?! Maybe even a car?!" I yell at him.

"Okay, well, I didn't do that!" He shouts as he stands up, revealing bruises all over his body. I look at him in shock, horror even. "I got a hot tub! For my friends... no fuck friends! For my family. Look at all I did for you! Look at this! Look at this!" He yells even louder. "Jj..." I sigh. "No! Stop being emotional. It's fine okay?!" He says as tears form in his eyes.

He starts going on about shit, but I toned it out and jumped into that hot tub and pulled him into my arms. He wraps his arms around me, tight. "I can't take it anymore! I was gonna kill him." He sobs, and sobs.

Jjs had a rough life, like us all. He's always been the 'troubled teen' or the 'badass' one out of us all. But I saw more than that. And this... this proves it all. Never in my 10 years of being friends with jj have I ever seen him in this bad of a state.

SUN KISSED // JJ MAYBANK.Where stories live. Discover now