Charleston."did you get it?" John b asks me as we walk away from our plan. The plan was that we bumped into some rich couple and take they're money to by gas and food. "What are you talking about? You mean this?" I grab the money out of my pocket. We both laugh and head to the store.
As I'm filling up the big red jugs with gas, the couple come walking around as John b waddles out of the store with hot dogs. "Dude." I shout loudly pointing over.
"Hey you! Thieves! You stole my money! Come here!" The man shouts as he chases us. "Shit!" We both shout as we run away from him.
The man was still chasing us and some truck nearly ran us over. A familiar truck. I look back at the truck, but I couldn't quite recognise it. John b pulls my arm and we jump onto some hot dog bike and he pedals away. The man was still running after us.
We went as fast as we could. As we come to an ally way, John b immediately pulls the breaks as we were about to crash into some kids running out of the ally.
I was still looking behind me, making sure he wasn't catching up. Until I noticed it went silent and John b wasn't moving. I turn around and my heart dropped when I saw Sarah, pope and jj staring back at us.
My eyes stared onto jjs for the longest, as did his.
After snapping out of our trance I shout as I hear the man's footsteps get closer. "Get in! Come on!"
Sarah sits beside me while John b pedals and pope and jj push. As we finally got away from them all jj and pope sat beside us.
I pulled Sarah in for the tightest hug ever as we made our way to our get away boat.
We hop on the boat and fill it with fuel and made our way out onto the ocean.
We all started talking about what the fuck happened, and how rafe shot me. Everything.
I was happy to have my friends back again, everything was normal. Although, me and jj weren't normal. We hadn't actually spoke since we saw eachother.
"Anybody else starving? We need to grab some breakfast." Jj says while we pull into some docks.
Me and Sarah hop off the boat and make our way to find some food.
"Jackpot!" Sarah later shouts as she holds up a watermelon.
We sit and eat on the water melon. "Mm. Holy shit." I say, enjoying the fruit. "Okay, so you and jj? You guys haven't spoke since we reunited... what's going on?" Sarah asks. I look up at her and sigh. "Sarah... I literally... died. I feel so bad, I don't even know what to say to him." I look down. "Yeah, he was pretty bad." Sarah sighs. "What? How?" I look up at her concerned. "As soon as we got home that night, he crashed down in popes arms... I've never seen him that bad. He was literally crying and sobbing the whole week, then..." Sarah stops herself. "Then what?" I ask. "Then he just shut us all out. He started shit with everyone. He stopped talking about you, everytime you were mentioned he'd leave." Sarah confesses. I look down in guilt. "But when he found out you were alive? He was screaming, he was crying in happiness. Do you remember what your bond was like before you left? He loves you, Vienna." Sarah laughs. "I know, and I think I might love him too." I laugh back. "Girl..." she says before giggling again.
"so what's up with you and Vienna?" Pope asks me. I freeze as soon as I hear the question, even though I was expecting it. I love her. Yes. But I'm scared, she hasn't spoke to me since I've saw her. What if she hates me because I never tried looking for her? Or maybe she never like me in the- "jj?!" Pope shouts to catch my attention. "Wh- what? Oh. Yeah, idk." I sigh.