chapter seventeen

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"woo!" I cheer as I watch jj put the 'Poguelandia' flag up.

A flag that me and jj both created out of boredom.

"You did it, jayj! Poguelandia!!!!" I shout.

"Woo!" Jj screams.

"It's perfect!" I shout up at him.

Later me and jj sit and craft weapons to hunt food with.

"Rescue? From what? From... from paradise? I'm not going back. Ever. I mean, look around. We got everything we need. Right here." Jj states with a happy look on his face.

"Just like we talked about." I smile.

"Exactly." Jj agrees.

"How's yours looking? You ready to provide for the family?" Jj says sarcastically as we hold up our sharp weapons.

"Yeah." I sigh as I stand up.

"Let's go kill something." Jj says as he begins skipping over to the water.

"Didn't have to say it like that." I groan.

As we get closer to the water, jj takes his shirt off.

We hold our staffs in the water, focused.

"Hey, hey, vi. Vi, vi, vi. Vi, it's a skate. It's a skate right there. You see him? He sees me! He's coming over by you. This is it. This is the time." Jj states.

"I can't. I really can't." I shake my head.

Jj takes a stab at it.

"Dang it, I missed it! Where is it?" He asks, searching the water.

I then run over and take a stab at it, I hold my staff up with a bleeding fish on the end.

"Oh my god." I gasp as jj hugs me.

"You did it! We're having skate tonight." Jj laughs.

"Oh shit." I gasp.

"Full pogue!" Jj shouts.

We both cheer.


"so you and jj, huh? You guys dating or what?" Cleo asks as we watch pope, jj and John b cut open the skate.

"I don't know. Everything's been so wild, I mean... we've hooked up, slept together, whatever but we aren't... together." I sigh.

"I get that. Better will come soon for you, girl." Cleo smiles.

"Yeah." I sigh.

"Look what I made." Sarah smiles as she holds up a little bow made out of leafs.

The boys then walk over and we all sit together.

"Okay, John b. Truth or dare?" Sarah asks my brother.

"Truth." John b smiles.

"Truth? If you could do it all again... what would you do different?" Sarah asks John b.

"Maybe duck before getting hit up the face with a machete?" Jj chuckles.

"Maybe made sure the Thorntons didn't have security cameras before sinking they're boat." Pope smiles.

"Not pick up a fight with ward outside John bs court room." I chuckle.

"Uh, steal a couple bottles of rum before we jumped of the boat?" John b sighs.

"Yeah, why didn't you do that, actually?" Jj asks.

"Maybe, cause I was in a fight to the death?" John b laughs.

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