so you might be wondering..
what happens after you find the lost city of el dorado,
get blown up,
two of your parents die,
and you're stranded in south america with a sack full of gold.
well, let me catch you up.
18 months earlier.
first, you find a ride back and the pogues lay on each other as we secretly boarded a ship to get back to obx.
and you sleep for like.. 3 weeks.
and when you finally get back..
everyone's reunited beautifully with their family and friends.
pope and cleo reunite with heyward.
but maybe not.. all.
me and jj stared at the soon to be evicted maybank property, just letting out one sigh before turning around and walking away, away where? we don't even know our selves.
sarah and john b stared and the left over muddy ashes that the rain and the essence of the chateau left.
we had no where.
jj puts his arm around me as we walk to shoupes house. both our clothes were ripped and muddy, we smelt like shit but we were in this state for so long, we didn't even care. we didn't want to show up at shoupes after everything but it was really our last resort or we were living in a parking lot begging for money.
as soon as we took one step in his lawn he busts the door open and points at jj.
"hey, no! stop right there! jj, you are not welcome here. where do you come off thinking you can walk up here after everything you did?!" shoupe scolds jj as jj just stands there, scoffing at each word.
shoupe looks at me before sighing
"i'm glad you're home safe but don't come back until he's gone." he then walks back inside.
"why even bother." jj sighs as we begin to walk away
"jj." i call out softly
he keeps walking
he turns around
"we will be fine." i nod
and after all the loose ends are tied up..
the gold.
me and all the pogues were now sat in pelican gold trust, trading our gold for money.
"twenty pounds" the man calls out as he weighs the money. "98.5 percent... gold."
smirks formed on all our faces.
"and that translates to..?" john b questions
"this is money. a whole lot of money." the man laughs.
so did all we.
shouts of happiness from all of us
at the- or.. A bank machine.
(in a random supermarket)"moment of truth" i sigh
"all right" john b clears in throat before typing up the pin.
"pin is 0000. enter." he presses.